Part 1

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As usual the service in the coffee shop was horrible. You would think that a Starbucks smack in the middle of Christopher St. would have better service; i find myself waiting ten minutes too long for my grande frappuccino in this scorching 93 degree weather. Hence my mood. To top that off, the place is extremely crowded and no eye candy in sight. Definitely not my idea of a Saturday afternoon in the village. How is a single girl supposed to entertain herself around here?

”Grande mocha frapp” yells the barista. I grab my cup impatiently and storm out. I’m balancing my cup and purse in one hand as I search for my screeching iPhone with the other. I walk rapidly to get outside where I can hear without even looking up. As I’m reaching out for the door I collide head first into what felt like a rock. I look up with a look of confusion and annoyance only to meet the most beautiful pair of hazel eyes I had ever seen. I tried frantically to gain my composure to no avail and to just my luck I spill my drink all over his white linen button up shirt. Talk about making an exit.

”I am SO sorry sir. Gosh I’m such a klutz. Please let me wipe that off,” grabbing a napkin and aiming straight for his rock hard abs. Damn, he felt chiseled to the extreme, sort of reminded me of the statue of David I saw at the Met when I was younger.

“It’s okay, sweetheart, don’t worry about it. It was a mere accident and I should have been more careful myself. Let me buy you another drink” he said as he flashed the most pristine smile I have ever seen.

“No, it’s fine. I’ll live” I said smiling and almost positive that my cheeks were the color of fresh strawberries.

“I insist. Was that a grande mocha frap?”

“How did you know?”

“That’s my usual” he said as he walked to the counter and skipped what must have been 6 really annoyed customers. “Hey Dave, let me have two grande mocha fraps, with extra mocha. Light on the whip cream. Thanks dude”.

I couldn’t help but smile. He has an aura of authority and exuded so much class, but at the same time there was somewhat of a bad boy lurking behind those beady eyes. “Thank you. I’m Alexa by the way, and you are?”

“Carlos, a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Alexa. Were you in a hurry? Maybe we can sit and chat.”

It was then that I noticed the two dimples and very well defined jaw line. “I’d love to sit and chat” I answered only to realize he was already pulling out my chair. He was quite the gentleman and handsome too. I was curious to know what the flaw was in this 6’2, caramel complexion, beady hazel-eyed specimen.

“So how did you manage to get our drinks in under five minutes? I was here for 20 before I got mine.” I asked curious to know what kind of pull this guy had and why, surely it wasn’t just his looks.

He flashed me another million dollar smile and said “the manager is my brother.”

“I figured as much”

I fumbled around with my straw and played with my napkin in a full on attempt to avoid eye contact. He was making me nervous and that was out of character for me.

He must have noticed this because he reached across the table to grab my chin and lift my face. He looked me straight in the eyes and took a deep breath. “You are ravishing.”

I blushed. “Thank you. Umm, I have to go now.” There was no way I could sit here while this man rattled my nerves and upset my composure. I’ve been here before and I refuse to do it again. It always ends up badly.

I got up and pushed my chair in. As I turned to leave he grabbed me by the waist pulled me in and kissed my lips. My knees buckled.

“Alexa, let me get to know you” he whispered as he pulled away.

I already get the feeling this is going to be a bumpy ride. I free myself from his grip and walk away. I feel him following me but i don’t look back.

“Alexa! Please! Wait up!” he yells as I quicken my step.


I opened my eyes but I couldn’t really see a damn thing. Everything was so blurry. My head was pounding. Felt like a midget was hammering my brain with a mallet. Not pleasant at all. Now if I could just focus; seems like that’s what I have been trying to do for the past 24 hours.

Okay my surroundings were becoming clearer. I can see a face standing over me. “Oh God! What happened? Am I being kidnapped? Where the fuck am I” I screamed frantically as I tried to get up but two really strong arms pinned me down. That’s when i realized my head was resting on someone’s lap. “Okay Alexa focus. Figure out where you are,” I told myself, not realizing that I was speaking out loud.

“Relax sweetheart. You tripped on that hole in the ground. We are sitting on the bench outside of the Starbucks. You hit your head pretty badly.” said a deep and familiar voice.

“Carlos? Oh gosh. How long have I been out for?”

“All of five minutes my love, but you're okay. Just a minor scrape on your knees. But if you don’t mind I’d like to accompany you to see a doctor. Your head hit the ground hard and that can’t possibly be good.”

“I guess we can go, though I feel fine now. You really don’t have to trouble yourself.”

“It’s no trouble at all. I have nowhere to be and would enjoy spending the rest of my afternoon in an emergency room with you. Might be the only chance I have to get to know you,” he said as he slowly lifted me into a sitting position and brushed on curly strand of hair from my face.

I knew I should have dressed up today, of course I had no idea I’d be meeting my future husband. As always I don’t look the part in my worn out Levis, white v-neck tee and black pumps. At least I grabbed my last season Coach bag. To make matters worse my attempt at picking up my wild curls was an epic fail. Oh the joy of being Latina. “Okay we can go.” I said straining a smile trying to hide the displeasure in my voice. Today was not going how I had planned but I sure didn’t mind the turn of events.

He stood up to hail a cab.

I stepped in the cab first and watch him slide in. I could tell through his khakis that he had very strong legs. He was probably into some sort of sport, or possibly the gym, I realized as I eyed the bulging muscles that seemed to stretch the sleeves of his light green polo. The polo made the color of his eyes stand out and his eyes gleamed as he told the cab driver where we were headed. I leaned into his chest, against my better judgement. It felt surprisingly good and I felt uncharacteristically safe in his arms. But of course, as is always the case with me, anything that started out this storybook perfect will only up in tragedy for me. I guess now would be the time to make small talk, or else it would be a devastatingly uncomfortable cab ride with a man who seemingly was only trying to help. Little does he know that I have a warning sign tattooed to my forehead. “So, Carlos, where are you from?” I asked, trying not to look up because the pounding in my head was getting worse by the minute. Leave it to me to get hurt two days before one of the biggest breaks of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2014 ⏰

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