Sick Day

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Normally, Lucy loved waking up to sunlight streaming through her windows. She liked the warmth, and she saw it as a sign that the day would bring good things.

But today, she wished she could punch the sun into another galaxy.

Everything felt wrong. Her limbs were sore, her stomach twisted, her nose stuffed, and her head was pounding like crazy. She groaned as she pulled her curtains tight, rolling onto her side and sighing.

Sitting out one day at Fairy Tail wouldn't kill her, especially on a day like today.

She sighed in annoyance as she felt a tickle on her nose. Lucy quickly grabbed a tissue and let out a sneeze so loud it echoed in her apartment.

Yeah, she definitely wasn't leaving her bed today.

A chill passed over her body, making her shiver. She lifted her comforter over her head, but as soon as she did so, she started swearing under the blanket.

"This sucks!" she said to herself with a nasally voice.

Grumbling, Lucy rolled over onto her other side and closed her eyes, hoping she would be able to sleep through the misery.

She slept for approximately five minutes.

"Hello? Lucy?"

Her eyes shot open. She recognized Natsu's voice outside her window, but didn't respond.

"Wait, what's going on? What is this?"

Natsu had gotten himself tangled in her curtains. He was flailing violently in the fabric, trying to find an escape.

"Lucy, are you okay? There's this weird stuff in your house!"

She rolled her eyes. "Those are my curtains, Natsu," she said.

He continued flailing about. Eventually, he wiggled out of the curtain and fell right on top of her, crushing her in her bed.

"God, how much do you weigh?" she said, her voice strained.

"Whoops, sorry." He climbed off of her and rubbed his head sheepishly.

Lucy mumbled under her breath before shifting in her bed again and closing her eyes.

"Wait, that's it?" he asked, confused.

"What?" Lucy spoke without opening her eyes.

"You're not going to yell at me? Usually when I come over you're yelling and angry for at least a half hour. And that's when I don't land on top of you!"

She peeped an eye open at him. "I'm not feeling well."

"You're sick? Man, the guild is gonna be so boring if you're not there!" Natsu pouted, sitting next to her on the bed.


He thought for a moment, then stood. "Well, I guess I'm spending the day here, then."

"You don't have to do that," Lucy said, sitting up. She quickly fell into a violent fit of coughing.

Natsu rubbed her back in small circles, trying to soothe the cough. Her eyes widened at his touch.

"Well, I am. You're my teammate, and we help each other out, don't we?"

Once she stopped coughing, he sat down on the bed facing her with a smile.

"If you're sure you want to. I have a lot of germs, you know," she said, wiggling her fingers creepily.

He puffed his chest out. "Don't worry. My immune system is super tough!"

She laughed. Lucy was grateful to have someone like Natsu in her life, someone who was always looking out for her and making her laugh.

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