The War for Freedom

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"When the planet was attacked by an unknown and powerful force (Now known to be The Gargaxton Cartel) the Panaxalan People rose up to defend the World Tree at all costs. The people fought hard but since they were all controlled like drones by the World Tree their attacks were fluidly synchronized making what was a technologically inferior force incredibly powerful against the superior invaders. But finally, The Gargaxton Cartel used Forceful Terraforming to change the Planet from the once Serene and Peaceful Gaia into a Tidally - Locked. By forcing the change the World Tree grew weaker and weaker and soon started making very grave mistakes in combat. Finally, The Gargaxton Cartel won, They had beaten the soldiers into submission and the remains of the World Tree were torched destroying the Hive Minds Core. But as a very big surprise to The Gargaxton Cartel, the Panaxalan People didn't die off without their Core. Instead in one final attempt to allow its people to live in peace the World Tree Gave the people full control of their minds so that the psionic link backlash wouldn't destroy their brains. This gave the People free will whilst keeping the Psionic Link to one another just with less power. They used this Mind Link and free will to come up with the plan to act completely brain dead and it worked tremendously. The Invaders believing that they had truly beaten the people into submission used them as slaves for genetic testing and basic resource farming. This went on for several decades as the Panaxalan People in unison using what they could learn came up with a plan to win back their freedom. The invaders brought another plant-like species onto the planet which were purely for resource farming. They weren't very intelligent at all but were incredibly strong. The Panaxala People started secret meetings with this new species which turned out to be the final piece in the puzzle. More and more of the new species which were found out to be called the Queptilium joined the cause until finally, the plan was ready to be set into motion. Using the combined minds of the Panaxalan People they very quickly formed an incredibly well-organized military which allowed them to take back control of the planet and beat The Gargaxton Cartel. The Panaxala People and the Queptilium formed a Syncretic Alliance to never leave each other's side because they realized together even if the Invaders returned they would be ready for them." - Extract from a history book about the war.

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