distinctly asian

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Day6 Jae✅

It's all peaches and gravy

12:13 a.m 05 Jun 2019 Twitter for iPhone

I sighed, looking down at my phone.
What goes on in his mind, I wondered. Peaches and gravy? Seriously?

The screen suddenly blacked out, snapping me out of my reverie. I pushed the phone back in my pocket and continued reading my book I had brought on the plane, The Perks of Being A Wallflower. It was dark outside, but I still could see the clouds underneath us.

There was a weird guy sitting beside me, hogging the whole armrest for the past 5 hours. He hadn't taken off his pollution mask and was dressed in all black, which made him look like a ninja. His skin was pale and he wore a baseball cap. I could see black hair peeping out from under the cap, streaked with red.

His half-hidden face seemed distinctly Asian.

He was furiously tapping away on his phone, ignoring my glare. I coughed once, twice, and he looked up.

"I need to go to the washroom."

He tilted his long legs to the side, through which I squeezed out. I caught a whiff of his scent.

Expensive stuff.

The moment I came back, he instinctively moved his legs, giving me way. I peeked into his phone, he was playing LoL. His fingers were bony and callused, the type you'd want to intertwine yours with. He probably played some string instrument.

Why did he seem so familiar yet distant?

"You wanna go in or not?" His eyes met mine.

I suddenly realised that I had been standing in front of him the whole time, and worse, staring at his game.

"OMG I'M SO SORRY!" I plopped down on my seat, blushing hard, and finding nothing better to do, I face-palmed.

I heard snickers from the seats behind and the one beside.

I'm a loser.

The starry sky impossibly darkened, as out of nowhere the airplane hit a patch if turbulence and rocked a bit. Suddenly, unfamiliar, cold and slender fingers caught mine.

'it's all peaches and gravy'       /jae day6 ff/Where stories live. Discover now