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It's spring, everything is new, everything is fresh and everything is a blank slate

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It's spring, everything is new, everything is fresh and everything is a blank slate. I always thought the new year should start on the first day of spring, right? Starting in January seems so wrong, there's nothing new to begin with. Everything is snow covered and cold. Cold to the touch and cold to the soul, there's nothing new to grab on to. Spring is different. Spring gives us a new breath to look at things in a new light. Those things that were once a hope in the future are now here, ready to be grabbed out of the air. They're there every single spring. Every single time we've said that we would change by getting rid of the things dragging us down while pulling in the things pushing us up, it's never changed. The only thing that changes is our desire, not our ability, to make these things real. We tell ourselves we need some sort of motivation to make the change. What other motivation do you need other than knowing that this may be your last chance at doing it? Who's going to motivate you more than knowing that your very life is in your own hands? Do you think the words of someone not living in your soul can motivate you to do the things that will allow you to fill that soul with something worth remembering? Living life is about finding the things worth dying for and using every single moment you have to find ways to integrate them into everything you do. Life isn't about staying away from things, it's about running towards them. Only a life well lived will be wroth talking about. Life isn't short, it's long, very long. Fill it with things you want, focus on those things. As you do, the things you don't want will fall by the wayside without you even having to acknowledge them. All else is just noise in your ears. That noise will go away at some point if you ignore it. Death will find you, know this. Live a life knowing that you will one day die. This is ok. What you have to determine is how you'll feel about the life you lived once that day comes. You only die once, die loving something worth living for. If you need more motivation than this, I can't help you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2019 ⏰

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