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I woke up, sweating like i'ver never sweat before. My hands and feet trembling. My eyes wide opened with fright. Wait. I go on and check the time. 2:10. Can't be. I look around my dark, cold room, adjusting to the darkness, scanning every inch to make sure my dream was sure as hell a dream. There it goes again. No it can't be. I blink a couple of times and went back to sleep, pulling my blanket over my head. God damn, just go to sleep! Just as I was about to look up, I heard a thump.  Thump thump thump thump. It's just something outside maybe. But there is goes again thump thump thump but instead, it gets closer and closer to my room. I somehow was stupid enough to take a peek through my blanket and I saw something that I never dreamed of seeing. My dead body.

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