What i remember.

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Hey, I'm Zach the author, the idealist, and the one the story is about. Well I guess I shouldn't call it a story cause really it isn't a story it's a life. The one right now that I am living. I figure I've gone through some stuff that other people could relate too so I wanna tell people my story so people know they aren't alone. I'm starting this today but this is hopefully gonna continue on through out my life because you can't have writers block if you are talking about yourself right? any way this part is about the way back past the one I don't really remember any of because who remembers everything from when they were really young. I can't tell you in great detail what my life was then or I can't even promise it's accurate because it was so so long ago. I will do my best to tell you all about what I do remember and then I'll keep you updated on what is happening now a days. Let us begin. 

When I was extremely young I think maybe 0-2 life was simple you know you kinda lived it how it was and that was that really. Well as a really small kid we moved about 2 times I believe and that was what formed me into my starting self. Although I had my older sister by 2 years and older brother by 4 I always stayed to myself. I was the one sibling everyone wish they had, someone who left you alone right? Well it was like that anyway. When I was alone I played like any other little kid would I had Lego's they I chewed on Hot Wheel cars I was living the life. I remember at times when I was playing my parents were worried about my anti social behavior and talked about it right next to me. I didn't really understand them then but as I grew up I realized what they meant, I guess they always thought I'd be an introvert. Life went on I was young and small and i was moving on with my life it wasn't the biggest deal. I used to hide behind my mom's leg at grocery stores and she would always want me to come out and say hi so she could brag about my bad ass eye with cat eye syndrome. Basically my right eye is both green and blue its almost a perfect 50/50 ratio. They said it looked like a beautiful blue horizon over a green meadow. I was always like okay, it wasn't a big deal little did I know that it's actually really rare and I'm one of the few lucky people with that eye. Kinda kool but I really didn't realize that till I was older and that didn't really effect me anyway. But when I was small we didn't have much but as kids growing up we lived well. None of us were spoiled but lived good you know every once and while we could have this and that but Christmas was always great for all of us or at least we thought so. Eventually though we grow up I was told a story that I used to go on the roof of my old house with my brother take a pillow and just slide right off to the ground. Keep in mind me and my brother though I didn't really hang with him a lot we were really close. We litterly had the same room for 17 years. So moving on past those really really young years we can get a few years older so 3-5 the only things I remember greatly here was my 3 injuries. My first at the age of 4 I jumped in a pool with no floats and didn't know how to swim all I remember is drowning. I was resurrected that day on the deck and it stunted my learning for swimming for years I wasn't afraid but I knew if I messed up that was it. to this day I can hold my breathe a very long time though when underwater I can't and if i'm under for too long I'll start freaking out. The next still 4 we moved though new house. We were only there for a few weeks before I got hurt. You know how as a kid most of us ran upstairs with our hands and feet? Well we got home from Walmart and I ran inside excited to go chill in my room and when I bolted up the stairs I slipped and ran my head directly into the stairs. This busted my head open and left a nice scar though concealed by my eyebrow. Only time in life I ever needed stitches. Continuing on when I was either 5 or 6 we now lived in a new area an apartment and, I had this RC car and it was a mini bulldog and it had a spoiled on the back of it and I loved it. One day I was at the bottom of all the stairs and was trowing it up the center of the spiral and when it came back down one of these times I didn't catch it and the spoiled that I loved so much cut directly down my nose and left a scar down my nose. It was certainly an interesting experience. That's all I can really remember from my young young life that wasn't really normal. I did end up being really antisocial due to all the moves and it effects me greatly too this day every time I start to know people they end up disappearing from my life. Moving on from that there were a few more moves and it was rather annoying and I got aggravated a lot. Eventually I was no longer the youngest child and my little sister was born. It was a different life and a different world for a little while when i lived in Montana my dad left us I think for a year. He came back and got me and my brother. It was boys together and, girls together. Finally we were apart you know life would be easier. I was so wrong it was harder and more difficult at this point I was in 5th grade still no idea what the hell was going on.Soon enough I was tired of it all and just as I was ready to run away my mom and sisters all moved in and we were all a family again. That didn't last to greatly long either because eventually my dad left again for a few months he did come back and life got a little easier. We all lived together again and have sense then life was complicated again as soon as middle school hit. I had really one friend that I actually hung out with. His name was Aaron.             

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2019 ⏰

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