In sickness and in heath.

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Alejandro sneezed yet again as he laid back down groaning. He was covered in a hundred blankets and was still cold.

Russia and Citalee both stayed by his side for support and help. 

Alejandro tried to keep a stiff upper lip with all of the issues but failed several times to do so.

Nine times out of ten he would end up clinging to Russia whining about how he felt, which would be greeted with kisses and hugs.

Russia gently pet his head."Oh little sunflower, this cold won't die down will it?" Alejandro shook his head no pitifully.

"I don't like being sick, it means you have to take care of me." Alejandro whined. Russia gently shushed him."Shshsh, I like taking care of you sunflower, I like seeing you smile sometimes." 

Alejandro pulled himself to the russian's chest and snuggled deeply into it."Just let me snuggle." Russia giggled."Of course my dear." 

Alejandro soon fell asleep in the warm arms of his lover and slept peacefully. He slept for several hours and when he woke up he woke to Russia sitting on the edge of the bed with a bowl of chicken noodle soup. 

Russia took a spoonful and blew on it until is was cooled off and said."Here comes the airplane." and fed the spoonful to Alejandro.

"Here comes the airplane?" Alejandro asked confused." Nevermind." Russia replied chuckling.

Soon Alejandro had finished the bowl and Russia went downstairs and washed it. He then came back upstairs and laid down with Alejandro. 

The two fell asleep in each others arms. Alejandro woke up the next morning feeling way better. He heard a sneeze and looked at his husband.

Russia sneezed again and Alejandro chuckled. He kissed the Russian's nose and went downstairs getting food for him.

(A/N I've returned from the dead! Sorry for being gone so long, life's been hard right now and I haven't had the motivation to write much, I'm still healing up but i'll be on more often now. Hope you enjoyed the story! See you later!)

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