Chapter 1: the marks

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Not my art

Based off of King's Field

Kine's P.O.V.

I walk through this castle. I serve the King and I'm a Christian. My hair shoulder length and dark brown with my eyes being a slightly lighter shade than my hair. I think that sums up who I am. As I've mentioned first, I walk through this castle and I recall a statue outside which has been there for centuries but i don't know what it's about. It's a statue of a Honey badger which I think is weird. I walk further and further and find myself in the throne room and the King is sitting on the throne, and now that I think if it, he hasn't moved from there at all today. He's bound to get up some time, I mean, what if that affects his legs? I get closer to him and see he's sleeping in the throne with his cheekis laying on his hand. The Body Guards notice me but trust me and know I'm loyal, so they don't see me as a threat. I get closer and see there are bruises on his neck, I can see because he's wearing a shirt which doesn't completely cover up his shirt. I look closer and realize there's something different about these bruises, they are weirdly shaped. As I inspect closer on the bruises formed on his neck, I see the shape of them is formed into a crack-like shape as if someone drew what would be of mirrors about to shatter. What a strange thing... Or a certain bruise I shouldn't pay attention to.

I step away and try to focus my attention on something else, like if there's a job I should do or perhaps something more productive, like training. I exit the castle and what I see is a statue of a honey badger and I still have no idea why it was built. I decide to head home since there's no other business for me to do anyway. As I walk there I'm gifted to the sight of three large rocks around my house which I like to sit on for relaxation. Sure, the rocks aren't anything comfortable but they are to my liking. I go to the three rocks which are conjoined into a cluster of stone and sit climb from the smallest to the highest. It's not that hard since the rocks aren't steep and it's kind of like climbing large steps. I lay on my side instead of my back since I'm sure that would be even less comfortable. I see it's now the evening and seeing the sky go orange makes me feel even more relaxed than I already was. It's like I have nothing to fear, yeah, I'm very relaxed at this point. I close my eyes hoping I don't fall asleep and am just shutting my eyes. You know that feeling when you just want to shut your eyes but you hope you don't go to sleep? Yeah, that feeling.

King Will's P.O.V.

I wake up in my throne feeling dazed since sleeping in a throne isn't very comfortable, no matter how comfy and cozy it looks. It's still a lot more comfortable than a normal chair but that doesn't make me feel any more well rested. I lift up my shirt to get a look at my belly but to my disappointment, the purple crack-like marks are still present. Those marks have spread from my knees and to my belly and now I can't walk. Sometimes when I look at the marks, they are gone but sometimes they are there for a long time, sometimes even damn days! I wish I knew how to cure it but I have no idea how. I try to get up but my legs don't support me to stand which is just frustrating. I make a Yelp due to a muscle spasm in my neck. I actually like muscle spasms because it's not something you expect, I mean, it's something I think is an interesting thing which happens to the human body... I don't know if I'm explaining that properly though. I still can't get up which is a complete shame and I sigh in frustration at this. I look at either sides of my throne and see those two Guards. They really haven't left all the time I've slept. In this throne I'm sitting in, there's nothing relaxing or soothing about being stuck in here whatsoever.

Kine's P.O.V.

I decide to go inside and eat since I'm hungry. I enter my house and am already aware there's no food in here since I haven't went to go buy food since last week and now I only have fruit and vegetables to snack on when I eat. I grab an orange and dig my finger into the end where there's no plant-like thing sticking out. When I get my finger in there, I feel of the skin, throw away the skin and eat the orange.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2019 ⏰

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