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A/N: Hey people! This is my first AoT/SnKfanfic and I am so pumped and ready to get this project going!

Yes, this is a modern-day AU. Yes, some scenes will be at a high school. However, most of the chapters will take place at their homes, and this is a character-driven story so there won't be a real plot. Anything goes. I've even decided that I'll be doing a 'Information we can share so far' segment at the very end to clear some things up.

Don't expect lots of drama or romance: this story will have that, but to a certain limit. I really want to focus on friendship, family, humor, and heart-felt moments. I already have some planned and I've made myself cry at the thought of it.

Now, no more stalling. Here it is! Enjoy!


Donate to my study trip to Japan!

It would mean a lot to me if you could cooperate (any amount) to my Japan study trip fund. On this trip, I would be attending a Japanese high school, staying with a Japanese family, and visiting historic and artistic attractions to. This trip would give me an opportunity to expand my cultural knowledge, and it would be like making a dream come true. Please help by donating!



Mikasa sighed as she looked out the window, the scenery flashing before her eyes. She hadn't been happy as she boarded that plane the night before, and she wasn't happy to be in a crammed taxi with a driver who was driving too fast and wouldn't even bother to shut the windows now.

Her mother must have read her expression because she smiled reassuringly and soothed, "You'll fit in quickly, just you wait. The neighborhood is very big and when I video-chatted with the lady who lives upstairs during the tour, she told me that there are lots of kids your age living there too."

"That doesn't make me feel any better," Mikasa replied, rolling her eyes in the process. She could tell from the slight decrease in speed that they were closing in on their destination.

"It'll be great, don't worry about it," her father tried convincing her as well. "The upstairs neighbors have a son, and he goes to your new school, so he can teach you the ropes."

"And what if this guy turns out to be a complete jerk? I wouldn't want a guy like that teaching me 'the ropes,'" she countered, air quotes at the ready.

Her mother sighed and patted her head, "I'm sure he won't be."

"We're here!" the driver announced, slowing down to a stop in front of a thin, yet tall, building with two doors at the front. It wasn't anything special in appearance, just a few windows and yellow all over. The garden was budding with flowers on one side, but the grass was rotting on the other. It didn't take long for Mikasa to guess that the grass belonged to them.

"It looks more charming in person, doesn't it?" Mikasa's mother got out of the car first, contemplating the yard.

Mikasa herself got out afterwards, observing her surroundings. The house resided in a closed end street, which was great because it meant there were little chances of getting run over. The neighborhood itself looked nice enough.

Just then, one of the doors opened and a tall woman with long black hair and a lovely smile came out, holding a plate of cookies.

"I heard the truck and got these on a plate as fast as I could," she said, walking instinctively towards her mother.

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