the witness

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To Whom it May Concern,

My name is Dale Ford. I'm 20 years old, and I am writing this from the State House of Corrections Annex in Jessup, MD, where I am now serving the last two months of a 10 year sentenced for the murder of my grandfather, Coley Ford Jr., 73 of Rising Sun, MD. Yeah, I know we all say we "didn't do it" and I am no different.

My grandparents lived in the oldest and spookiest house I'd ever seen, when I was growing up. I loved them both very much and we were very close, but that house scared the shit out of me!

Mom-mom Ford always begged me to spend the night, and as a scared child, I never would. As I got older, around 9 or 10 years old, I became almost embarassed that I was so scared to stay there and one day I finally got the balls up to do it. We had a great time that afternoon and mom mom cooked a really nice dinner afterward. It was a fun day until night fell.

Before I knew it, I was laying in bed, a 9 year old kid and scared shitless. I've said it a thousand times and I'm writing it again today -there was something there with me that night. Something in the darkness. The hallway light barely lit a corner of the room, and as I strained my eyes, I lay there trying to decide whether I was seeing horrible faces in the dark or spots from straining my eyes. There was no sound. Only faded images. I shut my eyes to try and ignore it, but panic kept setting in.

Finally, I freaked and ran to my grandparents room. I knocked on the door in fear and their bedside light came on. I felt kind of stupid and childish, but it seemed so real. Grandpop Ford came to the door and stepped into the hall so he didn't wake mom mom. He walked me back down the hall to that same room I'd just bailed out of. As far as I remember, I guess he was planning on laying beside me until I fell asleep, which is now what I believe DID actually happen.

I awoke what must have been hours later, to a really violently shaking bed. As I quickly opened my eyes and got my bearings about me, I realized that I was still laying next to my grandfather there in the dark. I looked over at him, and to my horror, his legs were kicking in panick and defense as a horrible "image" smothered him to death with a pillow.

I was young. There was nothing I could do. I slipped from my side of the bed onto the floor. I rolled under the bed, tears streaming down my face, and laid there, like a coward, with my hands covering my ears until the shaking finally stopped. It seemed to go on forever.

Whether it was shock, or something else, I'll never know, but I have no other memory of that night. The next thing I knew it was morning and my life was forever changed. My grandfather gone. My freedom gone. They didn't believe me. You don't believe me either. It doesn't matter now. I've done my time.

"This letter is for my healing.

For my closure and peace of mind.

As I leave this place forever

leave so far behind" -Dale Ford, July 2006

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2012 ⏰

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