Who is the Boy in the Photograph?

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Harry jolted up his head as he regarded the petite figure infront of him. Hermione had approached him in the Gryffindor common room. She possessed a very concerned and distinct facial expression on her face. He made a grunting sound, acknowledging her presence.

"This is the fifth time that I've called your name, Harry," Hermione expressed as she deeply sighed and sat down just beside Harry. "I know what you're thinking about."

Harry held a large, brown and dusty book in his hands. He had found this book in the Room of Requirement at the beginning of his seventh year. He hadn't seen this book since the ending of his sixth year. He didn't remember too much from that year. He had asked Hermione about it; however, she wouldn't say a word. She simply kept her mouth shut and attempted to change the conversation every time the book was brought up.

When Harry had first found the book since first sighting it in sixth year, he immediately showed it to Hermione. She was his best friend of course; how could he not? Her facial expression changed immensely. She was having a good day; Ron had finally asked her to on a date, she finally received a perfect score on her OWL test with Professor Snape, and her parents received a promotion.

Harry remembered her face when she first received the parchment from her owl, signed by her parents. Her face lit up as she stood up from the long table in the Great Hall as she waved the parchment around, dashing everywhere she could. Harry had absolutely no idea what was happening at the time, but he knew she was happy, so he was too. However, when Harry showed her the book, it was as if the events that occurred earlier never happened. Hermione became quiet. Sad, even. Harry still didn't understand why up to today.

The book contained photographs. It questioned Harry so much because there were so many photographs of him. He wondered why the Room of Requirement would possess such an object that had photographs of him. He saw photos of Professor Dumbledore and all the memories of last year rushed upon him like the first burst of wind against the face when stepping outside on a rainy day.

He couldn't stop crying that day. It was as if he was reliving the moment; seeing Snape cast the curse against Dumbledore and seeing the old but intelligent wizard fall to his ultimate death. Ron had to comfort him the whole day; they had missed their first Quidditch match for his seventh year.

There was one photo in particular that Harry had been studying since the first day he discovered the book. It was a photo of a blonde boy with grey eyes. The photo was moving. He looked so elegant and happy; he had his Hogwarts dress robes on and a green tie. That must have meant he was in Slytherin. He was standing beside a larger man, who wasn't as elegant as he was. The blonde boy had a sweet smile on his face. When Harry first turned to the page with his photograph, Harry couldn't help but smile also. He had never seen this boy before, therefore it could mean that this boy had already graduated. He could be an Auror, just like Harry wanted to be. Maybe that's why he felt a spark upon first landing his eyes on the photo. There existed a gut feeling in his stomach that told him there was a connection between this pompous boy and him. He didn't know what, though.

He had asked Hermione about it, and not only did her expression change, but she had a concerned look on her face. She would quickly put her arms out, waving her hands and tell him to stop talking about it. "Stop obsessing over it Harry, it's nothing!"She would yell out. One day, she accidentally let out a piece of information that got Harry to thinking. She said, "You're always thinking about him, Harry! It's just like sixth ye-" and Hermione immediately cut her own self off by covering her mouth.

Harry had no clue what this meant, but he was determined. What did Hermione mean about six year? Was Harry always thinking about this boy last year? If he did, he had no clue as to what it could be. The confusion angered him. He felt a deep connection with this boy but didn't know what this specific connection was. It frustrated him to his core that he couldn't figure out just what this boy meant to him. The fact that he had never seen him before angered him even more. But then again, he felt as if a lot of memories were missing from his mind. Like they were stolen.

Hermione cleared her throat, making it obvious she was trying to get his attention again. Harry shook his head to brush away his thoughts and turned to his best friend. She looked Harry in the eyes, and there was a look of sadness in her eyes. He could tell she was also thinking about something.

She used her left hand to support her body as she got up and held out her hand in Harry's direction. "Come with me," She said softly. "I need to show you something."

Harry grasped her hand and she pulled harshly to pull Harry up; it scared Harry a little bit. "What is it Hermione?" He asked as he raised one of his eyebrows to investigate.

"You wanted to know who the boy in the photograph was," She began. Her voice became even lower as she spoke in an even quieter voice, almost like a whisper. "I know."


Hermione had taken Harry to Dumbledore's office. Oh, how he missed walking into this office almost every month to be questioned by Dumbledore. He looked intensely at all of Dumbledore's bookshelves as the Pensieve was pulled out after Hermione had whispered a spell that Harry couldn't hear.

Hermione had a vial in her hand and she popped the cork out and poured its contents into the Hogwarts bowl. Tears,Harry thought. Harry couldn't be more confused at this point, but he thought about when he was not confused with Hermione. He couldn't think of anything.

"Look into it, Harry."

Harry was doubting not only himself for his choices, but Hermione now. He clenched the book in his hands as he looked at the hazelnut-haired girl. "What do you mean?"

"Just look into it."

"Hermione, would you tell me what's going on?"

Hermione was exasperated at this point. "Harry, would you stop being so stubborn for once and just look into the bloody bowl?!" She yelled out. Harry jolted back at the sudden increase of the tone.

Harry walked up slowly to the Pensieve. Just before dipping his face, he asked once more. "Hermione, would you please tell me what's going on? You know I hate going in not knowing what to expect." He asked with a genuine look on his face.

Hermione's face turned into a sigh. "Harry, I'm showing you who the boy is."

"Who is it?"

"That's the point of the Pensieve, Harry." Hermione rolled her eyes as she grew even more fatigued by Harry's mindset.

Harry looked again at Hermione to show his face. Hermione knew Harry wasn't thinking of playing games. Hermione sighed. It was as if Harry asked her a question without even saying anything.

She was about to speak but was hesitant. She choked on her own breath as she attempted again.

"The boy in the photograph.... He's.." Hermione began as she contemplated last minute if she should really say it. Harry grew more tense and leaned in as he waited for her to finish her sentence.

"That's Draco Malfoy."

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2019 ⏰

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