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As the wind blew through the tall grass beside the creek, memories flooded in my mind like the gushing water in front of me. Memories are the only things that keep him alive, and I’m the only one that knows them.

Chapter 1

“Come on Nel, you don’t want to be late” my mum called from down stairs

“Yes mother” I called out after her

Today I fly out to Berlin, which is a big deal for me and a bloody big deal for my mum, she thought that I would never get into Uni let alone in Germany, and in two weeks I start. I think I should have left a bit earlier but mum said you don’t to wait too long or too short. I’m glad I’m leaving, it’s like my life is about to start and I’ve been living as someone else for the last eighteen years. I’m leaving a shitty little town in South Australia, it is beautiful place but the people are bitches and don’t like me. Even though my plane leaves in five hours mum’s still hurrying me up, finally I’m done and walk down the stairs with the rest of my luggage to find that Leif is waiting for me

“What are you doing here?”

“Well I couldn’t let you leave without saying goodbye’ Leif said while I was hugging him ‘and I have one last surprise for you” handing me an envelope, I eagerly open it, inside where two first class plane tickets

“One is for you and one is for me” Leif looking at me hoping I’d be pleased

“But why” I asked not sure on how to feel

“Well I thought you shouldn’t be lonely in a different country and I can study over there to” Leif said shyly and I don’t know why

Thank you so much’ hugging him once again ‘I would of died if I was alone, you’re the best friend anyone can have” smiling uncontrollably over what just happened in the last few minutes

“Well I have a car waiting for us so how about it” holding out his arm like a gentleman. Walking to the car I was thinking that I knew his family was wealthy but this is a whole new level, even the driver got my bags and put them in the car for me.

“Mr. and Mrs. B did you want to meet us at the coffee shop closest to the international terminal and say our goodbye’s there” Leif said before opening the car door for me

“Yeah sure, see you soon” mum said while smiling, that bloody smile she has when she thinks something ‘lovey dovey’ is up.

In the car it is awfully quiet, that awkward silence

“Thanks again for coming with me, I don’t know what I would do without you” I said to try and break the silence

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2014 ⏰

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