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July 8th, 2016

"Alright everybody, that's a wrap."

The choreographer's words pulled me out of  my trance and frozen pose. We had just finished rehearsing the dance for our song Firetruck. It would be our first time on stage under the name NCT127. 

Finally, after years of training and waiting, I would be able to debut. 

"Jaehyun-hyung, are you going to treat me and Mark-hyung," said Haechan, the youngest of us debuting next Friday. He may have used 'hyung' but he still speaks pretty casually. I don't mind, though, we're all friends at the end of the day. 

But, that doesn't mean that I can go out and buy everyone food for after rehearsal.

Yuta and Sicheng made their way over to us as well. Eventually we all sat on the floor, catching our breaths and chatting about debut. Well, everyone except for Taeyong who's been keeping to himself for most of today. Maybe this would be a good time to speak up.

"Taeyong-hyung, are you alright?"

He suddenly looks up and tears start falling from his eyes. Wow, I was not expecting that. Taeil-hyung goes over to give him a hug before he even knows what's wrong. 

"Sorry, everybody. I'm just so proud of you all and proud to be by your side as we make our debut. Let's continue to light up the stage and give everyone our best." This causes all of us to get up and hug our precious leader. He cares so much for us and we all feel it. 

These newfound emotions actually make me want to go out and treat everybody.


It took about half an hour for everyone to agree on a place and decide what they wanted before I could leave. That's what happens when you're in a group with so many people. I don't mind, though. We're family. 

The place they wanted to eat from was in downtown Seoul but not too far from the company building. Might as well take a relaxing stroll. It is a beautiful day, anyways.

Not too long after I'm in front of the building about to walk in, but I get a sudden call from Yuta-hyung. 

"Hyung, I just got here so-"

"Jaehyun! You need to get out of there!" He sounded so frantic I could barely understand him. 

"Hyung, slow down. What are you talking about?" I put the phone on speaker as I walked through the front doors. How could he want me to leave when I just got here?

I heard him take a deep breath but he was still rushing, "Jaehyun, don't go into that building. There's something terrible going on in there that we're watching on the news. Something about hostages. GET OUT OF THERE!"

What he says suddenly hits the pit of my stomach as I look and take a look at my surroundings. There's two lifeless bodies on the floor and a dozen other people tied up. My phone drops to the floor before I know it.

I swallow the vomit in my mouth and try to turn and make a run for it. But it's too late. The killer spots me and points the gun at my face. Quickly I move behind a frame that I didn't notice was glass until I was already there. But the killer noticed, he aimed his gun at me once more. 

The glass supposedly acting as a shield shattered and hit me in my face. Pain seared all through my body as I fell to the ground, writhing. 

I'm going in and out of consciousness, but the last thing I hear is screaming, more glass shattering and 4 more gunshots. 


I'm in a hospital. But I can't open my eyes.

But the only way I can tell is because of the smell, a faint beeping and doctor voices that sound too serious to have good news. 


It sounds like Haechan. If it's him, I suddenly feel his body flung against mine. I wince in pain, which he must have noticed because I felt him lift himself off me. 

"Haechan, what are you doing here?"

"Hold on," he says. "I'm going to get the doctor."

I hear his footsteps leave the room and I fell alone again. I try to recall the last events that I remember. I went to get food, Yuta-hyung called as I walked into that building and then...I can't recall. What's wrong with me? I'm in so much pain, I can't open my eyes and I can't remember why this has happened. I hope Haechan comes back soon with the doctor.

As if they'd heard my thoughts, I hear footsteps approaching. 

"Good afternoon, Mr. Jung, I'm Dr. Tang.  How are you feeling at this moment?"

Her question threw me off-guard. Does it matter how I'm feeling? Just tell me what happened to me! "Um, honestly doctor, I am a little irritated. I can't remember what happened, I'm in pain all over and worst of all, I've been trying to open my eyes for the longest!"

Geez, I don't usually explode, especially to elders but I can't be bothered right now. 

The silence that follows my outburst doesn't help to me ease me. Right before I start up again the doctor says something that drops like bricks on my heart. 

"Mr. Jung, this will come as a shock to you. You've been in a terrible accident that took place two weeks ago. Until now you've been in a medically induced coma to help treat your wounds. The area primarily affected were your eyes. It's not that you aren't able to open your eyes, you've become blind in both of your eyes, due to the glass that hit your face during the accident. You're parents were immediately notified and were waiting for you to wake up and now...."

I don't hear the rest of what she says. Barely any of it sticks to me anyways. All I know is that NCT 127 debuted without me and that I am blind. 

That's why it's so dark. Not that I can't open my eyes, but my eyes just don't work anymore. 

I feel a cloud of darkness cover me and I turn over to ignore the doctors hurtful words. I don't care if they're true, I can't listen anymore.

This is my end. 


Hey Nctzens and others. I thought this would be a fun story to write. Enjoy. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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