the day bleeds

23 1 0

Cory (female)

Age 20

Student at Colorado state / Equestrian

Shaun White

Age 22

Olympic gold medal snowboarder


I hated the cold, it was about 29 degrees today and I had to walk all the way across campus to get to my dorm from my class.

I had on grey sweatpants and a Colorado state hoodie, along with a large fuzzy headband that covered my ears so they would stay warm.

As I walked around the campus I took in the true beauty of Colorado during the winter time, though the cool air stung my lungs I still loved this state to death.

I was almost to my dorm when my friend Caleb texted me asking if I wanted to go to a snowboarding competition tonight and that there would be an after party.

I hesitated to respond thinking about how I had class in the morning, and usually snowboarding parties are pretty intense. But... Caleb texted me again begging me to go so I gave in and said yes. We'd have to leave in an hour so I rushed home to try and consume some warmth before stepping out in the freezing cold weather, once again.


A knock on my door woke me up out of my nap. I stretched out cracking my back and neck then walked over to open it.

"That's what you're wearing?" Caleb asked.

"Um yeah." I said picking up my bag and walking out the door. "Im not going to dress up for some snowboarding event."

"Alright... I have passes for us to meet THE Shaun White before the competition."

"Who?" I said.

Caleb rolled his eyes and we walked out and went into his car.

Caleb snowboards himself and is actually pretty good, he'll be competing in the competition as well.


When we got to Aspen we went into the main building. We got directed to go to a room down the hallway to wait on Shaun along with a few other people.

"Have fun." I said winking at Caleb who was about to go full out fan boy on me. "Don't take to long, you still have to get ready or your coach is going to beat my ass." I said.

I walked to a corner of the room after getting a bottle of water and scrolled through my phone unbothered. I heard commotion going on in the room next to ours but I didn't think anything of it.

A few minutes later I heard a lot of talking and saw many flashes. I realized the Shaun White was now in the room. I chuckled softly at myself and glanced over at him. I didn't really know what this guy looked like but as soon as I saw him I would never forget it.

He was handsome I must say, he had vibrant orange hair that was long and curly. He caught my eye and smirked, if it wasn't for my dark skin I would have blushed for sure. I quickly looked back at my phone and continued to mind my own.

As I was looking at my phone I checked the time, realizing that it was almost time for Caleb to start getting ready. I took a gulp of my water and looked up to see Shaun coming my way.


"You aren't going to come and say hi?" He asked cockily.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm only here for a friend." I replied pointing to Caleb who quickly looked away when Shaun glanced over. "Plus you don't look like you want to be here either."

"Ah, I usually like to be in my head for competitions but you know, gotta keep the sponsors happy." He said giving me one of his famous smiles.

I checked my watch. "I gotta get my dude ready. See you around." I said walking away.

"Wait! I didn't get your name."

"It's Cory, i'll be watching you tonight." I said the last part softly.

"Looking forward to it." He winked and I grabbed Caleb's arm and we walked out.

"You do realize you just talked to the best snowboarder in the word?" Caleb ask while putting on his snowboarding pants and jacket.

"Shut up and hurry you have to be out for warm-ups in 3 minutes and your coach is already out there." I say zipping up his jacket and handing him his helmet and board.

"Oh shit. Lets go." He said walking out the door. I followed and with that we went to the warm up pipe. His coach waved him over.

"Have fun." I said kissing him on the check for good luck.

"Only for you." he said while walking away.


The competition started a few minutes  ago and Caleb was in the pipe and then it was time for Shaun. I watched him carefully through every moves. He did well and was destined to get a high score. But Shaun was better, of course. Shaun came in first in half pipe and Caleb was first in the country boarding.

Caleb walked up to me with his board in his hand. He took his helmet revealing his head of brown hair and his bright green eyes.

He gave me a toothy grin.

"Great job out there." I said as we started walking back into the building to change.

He glanced at me, "Thanks, you're coming to the party right?"

"I will, but not for long, I have to feed the horses and ride in the morning then go to class."

"Horses, horses and more horses." Caleb sighed while holding the door for me.

"Hey I'm on a scholarship, I'm not trying to go back to Montgomery."

I only got in to Colorado state because of my exceptional riding skills and equitation. I competed every other week and taught lessons to other college students and younger kids to help pay for my other expenses.


10:00 pm

This party was at a huge house, like I mean huge. It must have been one of the rich snowboarders houses.

Me and Caleb walked in and he immediately went to work trying to hookup with someone.

There were people everywhere and I immediately felt overwhelmed, I went to the kitchen to grab an alcoholic beverage. 

After I downed literally two cups of bear I was already feeling drunker than a old man. I was definitely a light weight. But suddenly I didn't feel like I was drunk at all more like I was on the verge of death.

My vision was blurred, and my body felt like it was about to give out.

"Wanna go somewhere private?" Said a fraternity boy, as he grabbed the small of my back pushing me harshly into a bedroom. He threw me onto the bed.

I giggled, "This is one bouncy bed." But I couldn't enjoy the bounce for long before the boy got on top of me. I laughed half heartedly, "Silly, what are you doing." His hands started traveling up my sweatshirt, "Hey! Get off of me!" I yelled. He clamped his hand down on my mouth, and held my waist down with his other hand.

Whatever drugs he man gave me, they started to kick in even more. The last thing a remember is him being thrown of off me.

HI FRIENDS. This is the start of a new book i hope you like it 🥰🥰

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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