Part 1

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The light streams through my curtains, shining in my eyes. I roll over on my stomach and bury my face in my white fluffy pillows while I blindly reach over to my night stand to grab my phone. I lift my head up as I check my notifications; three missed calls and eight new messages, all from Kenny. I prop myself up on my elbows, blond hair falling in my face as I do so I push it back and unlock my phone. "Baby come on. Don't ignore me." "Rose, come on. You need me. You are nothing without me." "Rose. You will regret this." "You whore. I can end you and no one will miss you." "Fuck you." I have to stop reading. We broke up last week and he came over last night to get his things and he insisted on fucking I said no over and over again he hit me and punched me and kicked me then left not before spitting on me and saying I was trash. I couldn't take being with him anymore. Sighing, I got up to go to the bathroom. Sitting on the toilet I decided to text my good friend Tay

*Hey Tay, girls weekend? I have so much to tell you.*

I put my phone on the counter, pull up my undies, flush and wash my hands. My phone vibrates as I'm drying my hands.

*Yes girl. Chicago? All week maybe? It'll be my birthday present to you bb. We leave today young Rosie. Meet me at my house at 5!*

*Ahh I'm so excited. I'll see you then!*

My birthday isn't until next week but Tay leaves for Japan in two weeks so why not, plus it's only a three hour drive from here to Chicago. Walking down the stairs I mindlessly count the steps. 12. Oskar, my baby (well not really he's my dog but he's like my baby) jumps off the couch and sits at my feet giving me his signature puppy dog face. "Aww what?" I mock his expression then bend down to pick him up. Walking from the living room to the kitchen I yawn and stretch my back Oscar squirms so I go to put him down but he climbs higher on my shoulders. Giggling I stand up and hold him at my side with one arm and reach up in the cabinet to grab lucky charms and a bowl then walk over to the fridge for my milk.

I get my cereal together and go back to the living room sit in my chair and turn on last nights episode of supernatural. Oscar sits on the arm of the chair just watching me eat. My phone buzzes again now it's Kenny. *You're so stupid I know you fucking saw my texts. Anyway I want the dog. I'll be by later today at like 9.* He doesn't even like Oskar, he just want him because he knows I love him.

*No, Kenny.*

*Fuck you.*

*Whatever. You're not getting Oskar.*

I'm not about to get back into this again. I get up, put my bowl in the sink, turn off the TV and walk back upstairs. I check the time, shit it's already 1. Oskar follows me to my bedroom and he jumps on my bed and curls up in my white comforter, I giggle again. He's so silly. I walk to the bathroom again and take off my clothes there's a big bruise on my ribs right on tattoo, there's bruises on my wrists and one on my inner thigh. I look at myself, I am a tan-ish girl with long legs and long blond hair, I have white scars on my left thigh, my left arm and left side ribs that my tattoo now covers, it's a headstone with "Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt" written on the stone. It means a lot to me, it's from the book "Slaughterhouse 5" it was my mothers favorite book but she died when I was seven.

I don't know who my dad is so my neighbor took me in. She has a son who is seven years older than me but he treated me as his own... sister? No more like daughter he babied me. Sadly three years later his mother passed away. I lived with her son for a year until he turned 18 then he left and I haven't seen him for seven years. I moved into my moms condo right next to theirs when I turned 17 next week is my eighteenth birthday and I am going to find him, I'm going to find Austin. Pushing the thought away I turn on the shower water and climb in. Shampoo, rinse, conditioner, tie up hair, shave legs, wash body, rinse hair and body. I step out and grab the towels, wrapping one around my body laying the other on the counter I brush my long bleach blonde locks then tie it up in the other towel. I walk out of the bathroom, steaming, grabbing the lotion off my bedside table I rub it all over my legs and arms.

I feel the bed move and high pitched barks. Oskar. He's running in his sleep, silly dog. Checking the time it's now 1:45. And I still need to pack and do all my hair and makeup stuff. Ugh. Walking over to my dresser I pick up my clothes with my foot and grab it with my hand and toss it in the hamper. Okay time to get dressed rose. Opening the top drawer I pull out my black skinny jeans carrying them to the closet I take out my Alice in wonderland sleeveless shirt that ties in the front. I'm forgetting something... Underwear. Duh Rose. Opening my dresser again I get a black lace bra with matching undies then, -making sure the curtains were closed- get dressed. Ok let's go brush the teeth. I finish then let my hair out, hmm. I guess I'll let it go natural today. It's naturally big loose ringlets that come to right above my bum. I do little makeup, just a little eyeliner, light eyeshadow, mascara and sheer pink lipstick. /time 2:30/ Shit my meds.

Walking all the way back downstairs (just kidding) I go to the kitchen and take my anti-depressants and other vitamins. My phone rings and I grab my pills and run upstairs. It's Tay we talk about what we're going to do in Chicago while i pack. I finish and sit on my bed but then I hear my front door open and tell Tay I have to go. Oscar leaves my room before I can stop him. There are two voices I don't recognize one with a British accent one without, both male. Oscar is barking then he yelps I run down stairs, pepper spray in hand and my back pack on my shoulders. "Don't hurt him." I say and the men both whip their heads around, both wearing black ski masks. "What do we have here?" The American man says. "That her?" The British one says. "Yep, that's Kenny's little whore." The American one responds. I gulp. Kenny sent them? Why? "What do you want?" I ask, my voice smaller than I wanted it to be. The men look at each other and laugh. The men walk near the kitchen, leaving the front door unguarded. I see my chance and I take it Oscar is at my feet as I run out the door I run to Austin's dads house next to the row of condos Oscar goes through the doggy door and I pound on the door. Fuck, he's working and my keys are in my purse back at my house. I run from the house and feel a sharp pain in my arm did he shoot me? No, their would have been a noise. The American one comes to me and I spray the pepper spray in his eyes. A list of profanities spew from his mouth. The British one comes to his side. "What's wrong?" He asks. "This bitch pepper sprayed me." The American one says holding his eyes. "Do you have her phone?" The American one speaks again as I black out.

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