Familiar Feelings

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**I am terribly sorry you guys but I am going to go ahead and have All Might have passed on, for the plot, yes yes, it to breaks my heart.**

He had done it. After years of completely working his ass off and breaking several bones, Izuku Midoriya known as Deku had successfully become the number one hero. Each day he gets up with that signature grin. All Might would be proud of him, he knew that. But as the days went on, Izuku found it harder and harder to go on without his role model. 

He tries to visit him often, whenever he has a break from hero work. Izuku tries not to think of everything he's lost since he was a student back in U.A. After all now that he has achieved his dream, he was to be the role model of the next child who was much like him. 


He simply didn't have the heart to say no. His only day off this week and he had to spend it giving a lecture to the new Hero Studies class at U.A. Don't get him wrong, Izuku jumps at the chance to get to be at U.A again, but he had to admit. There was that gnawing feeling of regret about not being able to sleep late. 

The poor man tried to be inconspicuous when walking to the prestigious hero school. But when your the number one hero, and your walking around in your hero costume, everyone will recognize you. 

Maybe I should've changed at U.A.......

The amount of autographs he gave out daily was outstanding. But alas, this was the life he wanted to lead. His heart leaped twice over when he saw those familiar walls that protected the school like a fortress. 

A smile broke out across his lips. But it immediately faded when he saw the multitude of teenagers littering the hallways. Each of them running into different classrooms. Izuku's anxiety settled once the ruckus had ceased. But it pervaded once more when he saw that the teachers had moved classrooms. A precaution taken years ago he assumed. 

Here he was, a grown man. A Pro Hero no doubt, getting flustered as he walked the many hallways that no longer looked familiar to him. This reminded Izuku of his very first day trying to find the massive door that lead into Class 1-A. Each way he turned was the wrong way. How hard can it be to find a class room with the word lecture written on the door? Apparently as hard as fighting a villain. 

The man was just about ready to wait until someone called him on his cell. If It were really important they would send someone to look for me, right? 

He had taken a seat onto the floor, his back resting against the wall. At least the size of the doors hadn't changed. Izuku hoped that whatever made them change up the classrooms was worth him being lost. 

Frantic footsteps caused him to widen his eyes, Had they sent someone after all? Izuku was terribly wrong. He realized this when he scrambled to get off of the floor and collided with whoever was running around the corner.

"Woah!" The stranger squeaked out just before tangling with the man in front of them. Izuku spastically flailed his arms in order to steady himself and the other person. 

"C-careful!" he managed to catch them. But he was not prepared to look up and be one inch away from a quite attractive woman. Izuku immediately let go of her arm and tried to calm down the heat building up in his body. It was just a woman, but he felt as if he'd seen her before. 

She was brushing herself off, not even paying attention. "Wow, that could've been a lot worse." 

Izuku wasn't really sure what to say. She didn't seem to know who he was, or she just wasn't like all the other people and didn't care. He took the time to scan her hero costume. It was unique. She wore a simple blue tank top that fit her figure flatteringly. She had syringes strapped like an X across her upper body in a pink leather strapping. Cargo pants that seemed to tighten to her legs, they had pockets littering each pant leg. Each one having some sort of medical device tucked inside. 

It clicked. He remembered her! She wasn't a renowned fighter but did show up after every villain fight. 

"W-wait a second!" Izuku startled her into looking at him, "Your the Healing Hero, Mender!" 

He was completely geeking out. Although, he wished he had brought his notebook to write in. The woman gawked at him, surprise written on her face. Izuku could notice the faintest of redness flooding into her cheeks. He had embarrassed her. 

She tried to scramble for the appropriate words together but let's face it. No one had ever flipped out over who she was before. I mean she was a twenty-two year old pro hero who wasn't even on the top ten scales. 

"U-um...yes?" she mumbled. He's kinda cute

Izuku beamed at her ready to ask about a million questions. He had heard about her, but never knew that she worked at U.A. This beats giving a lecture on Hero Studies by a mile.

 But the woman couldn't help but stand there as he muttered, "Your quirk is Holographic Regeneration! You can project an image out of your body of what a healthy body should look like, then project it onto your patient and they'll be healed! Not to mention you can use your eyes to see into their bodies to see their internal injuries!" She wondered if he knew that she could hear him. 

Her guess was that he had snapped out of it, "O-oh, I'm sorry...I was rambling wasn't I? I'm Izuku Midoriya, or Deku." 

The woman hero glanced down at his outstretched hand. Nervously taking it In her own she breaks out of that timid demeanor. She hadn't been here long, but had completely forgotten why she was running down the hallway. 

"I know, your the number one hero. I'm (Y/N), or well you already know my hero name so....." her palms were beginning to sweat. 

(Y/N), he liked her name. He liked her face as well. A dull silence floated through the air, both adults unsure if what to say. Each of them were awkward individuals. Izuku felt the blood rush into his face and then remembered what he had came for.

"Oh! I was wondering if you could point me towards the Hero Studies class?" he asked her. 

(Y/N) perked up at that question, the majority of her patients coming from that class, "Sure, It's just that way." she mentions, pointing a finger to the hall behind him. 

Izuku nods to her, letting out a generous thanks before walking the way as directed. But he stopped to look back at her. The bad thing was she was already gone, to where he had no clue. Now attractive women always made him nervous. But (Y/N), she had made him feel a completely different way. He hadn't felt like this since Uraraka, but this feeling in his gut was telling him to meet this woman again. No matter the cost. 

**This is kind of a weak chapter but this has taken me forever to publish! Not to mention I need to update my other stories. It's been a hectic few weeks, ya girl is no longer a high school student and is college bound!. But anyway, Enjoy!**

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2019 ⏰

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