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It's starting to get lighter in the nighttime, making it harder to hide in the shadows since all templars have been notified about us.

We hide in the shadows to protect those who walk in the light of day. It's hard when you're the Princess of England and everyone counts on you for the future of England. Thou I am not the next heir to the thrown, my brother is, I'm just more of a protector. Like I said, in the shadows to protect while he rules the kingdom during the day. Once my brother becomes king, no one will worry about where I am. I will just be on my own, the way I like.

You might think being an assassin is the scariest and dangerous job anyone could do, in which you are correct. But being an assassin is more than that. We kill the people who are a threat to our world. The people who don't know the difference from freedom and destruction are the templars.

Templar's have been trying to take over our country since their leader, Roland J. Kilmer, took over the streets, gangs, companies and even child labor. If he gets control of everything in England, we will parish. And as the Princess of England and assassin, I will not let that happen.

As I wait for the sun to go down and the sky to darken, my partner in crime, Damien, keeps me company until target is acquired. Damien and I have been best friends for a long time. His mother and mine were both assassins and best friends. Both saved the princes's and then later fell in love with them, got married and had children.

Damien's parents are the King and Queen of Netherlands, just over the sea from England. He protects Netherlands and I protect my country. His family is over here visiting for the summer, it's a tradition we do. Every other year my family goes to his during the summer and vise versa. But normally my father stays back to rule the country, he never has a day off.

"It's a boring night tonight," Damien spoke breaking my focus on the street.

"Don't worry, something always happens. I'm just waiting for the moment."

Damien sighs, "why do you do this every night? We can't save everyone you know. This side job isn't more important than your life."

Damien doesn't understand the responsibility I have of taking care of my country. It's what my family is supposed to do.

"These people depend on me and my family. I can't dishonor them and myself if I don't do what's right."

Damien gave me a soft smile and we both continued to look out over the city.

"It's beautiful," I said while staring at the lighten up buildings with all the lights on the street and seeing the horses through the light.

"But not as beautiful as you," Damien said with a smirk. I looked over at him and smile that turned into a little laugh.

"Hello there little lady, you seem lost," I overheard a man say to a young woman around my age.

When I looked down and they got closer I noticed it was a, "templar."

"You take the left, I take the right?"

I nodded my head and we separate our ways.

"Please sir, I'm not here to cause any trouble," the woman said.

"Trouble? Oh darling, you're in no trouble," he said and then he grabbed a hold of her. She started to scream for help until he covered her lips with his hands. "But if you scream, you will be in trouble, do you understand?"

The girl nodded and he took his hands off her lips. He still held her arm and tried to walk normal without anything being suspicious, so he thought.

"Excuse me sir, but you have something that doesn't belong to you," I said to the templar with my hood up to shadow my face.

"I'm sorry we've never met. This is my wife..." he was looking at the young lady for her to say her name. I can tell she was debating to either say her name or to tell me what was wrong. She chose the wrong way.

"Dahlia," she said nervously.

"Ew what an ugly name," the templar said not even realizing that he pretty much blew his cover and idea.

He pushes Dahlia at me and I catch while the templar is running to the right which is where Damien is. Perfect.

As I see the man run, Damien jumps from the top of the building and stabbed him in the neck. Air assassinate, always a pleasure to watch.

Dahlia watched Damien kill the man, but he deserved it. "What did you do," Dahlia asks with frighten in her voice.

"We killed a man that was either going to drug you up, rape you and maybe kill you afterwards. Maybe even sell you to a couple of his friends," I said in a serious tone. That girl was either going to cry and hate herself or be dead and found in an alley with rats eating her corpse.

Dahlia went up to me and gave me a big hug. She squeezed me so hard I could barely breathe and it doesn't help with all of the weapons and armor. "Thank you for saving my life."

She broke the hug and gave me a warm smile. "You're welcome, Dahlia."

"Who are you?"

"I'm nobody. I just protect this city from criminals."

"Why are you doing this," she asks.

"I just want to help the people in this city, someone does at least."

She nodded her head and said thank you again.

"Be careful out there," I told her. She nodded her head and walked back home.

I turn around to see Damien leaning against the building waiting for me. The body of the templar laid there motionless. His jacket, once tan, was now red as blood.

"So what are we going to do with the body," Damien asks.

"That's a good question. We could bury him, dump him in the garbage, throw him in the water or just leave him here," I suggest. Damien started thinking through all the choices.

"Leave him. The rats will get the remains. I have a feeling no one is going to be looking for one templar if there are certainly more around."

I nod. We check through his pockets to see if he had anything useful. But all we could find was coins and a knife. Damien tried to take the coins, but I told him to leave it. I mean he is a prince, he has enough money as it is.

"Your highness, we must go back to the palace. You're family will start getting worried for you being out so late on your own."

"But I'm not on my own, I have you," I said with a soft smile. I think I made Damien blush a little, but I'm not going to tease him about it. He'll just deny everything and it's not even worth the fight.

"Race you back to the palace," Damien says with a little head start.

"Oh you're on," I say with some cockiness. What can I say though, I do live there and I know every short cut. Sometimes I think he forgets that.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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