How He Found Them

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Izuku midoriya a quirkless wannabe parents were pro hero's and he didn't know.
Allmight and the hero Titan he lived a life of getting bullied by his best friend or old friend but on one fateful day
Izuku pov
Kachaan just finished beating me up I honestly don't know what to do we're only four so if I tell my parents they won't believe me I just have to deal with i-
Izuku: huh what's that sound
(Insert weird glow sounds here)
I walked towards the light or should I say 6 different lights together
???:come little one let me show you power
Izuku: hello?
???:hello little one I have what you want
Izuku: A Quirk!
???:yes little one but call me thanos
Izuku: Okay mr thanos can you give me the quirk
Thanos:yes but I shall take you on a journey for
10 years and after that you'll be the strongest there is even stronger than your father
Izuku: my dads not that strong he's never shown me his quirk so it must be pretty weak
Thanos:sorry little one but your father is...allmight
Izuku: WHAAAT!? That's awesome I'm gonna talk to him right now
Thanos: no don't little one he doesn't want you since your disability
Izuku: Wait really allmight doesn't want me
But I'm his son?!
Thanos: your father can give his quirk but instead of giving you a chance he is giving his quirk to your bully in the future
Izuku: no no no that can't be true can it mr thanos
Thanos:I'll say it again I'm sorry little one but come with me I'll show you a better life
Izuku: thank you mr thanos but about that quirk
Thanos: we'll talk about on the ship
Thanos snapped his fingers brining a ship down to the ground
Thanos: go to Gomora she'll explain what you must do
Izuku looked at thanos and nodded with a smile knowing that he has a semi-family that could actually care for him he walked over to the ship
Gamora: this is the kid he chose he looks weak
???: sister calm down if father chose the boy he must have a good future
Gamora: he acts to cute how is he going to help father
???:didn't father tell you he's not helping father
Father is helping him
Gamora: nebula your joking thanos wants this cute weak boy to be the next Mad Titan
Nebula:seems so Let's welcome him
Gamora: hi I'm gamora
Nebula: I'm nebula
Izuku: I'm Izuku!
Gamoras mind: jesus this kid looks weak but still so cute I can't believe the mad Titan is helping him
Izuku walked forward and gave them a handshake but still had his adorable smile
First year
Izuku did training and was taught about the power stone thanos occasionally did farming with Izuku as a hobby. News reports started going round and allmight admitted that Izuku was his son and said he would do anything to find him but all he did was put up missing posters thanos showed Izuku this and he laughed at the thought that his father loved him

Okaaaay that was chapter one I like this story idea I found it of the story ultimate hero ( it has nothing to do with thanos) it gave me the idea of all might and Titan being the mother and father of izuku pretty much Izuku's mom is Titan and father is allmight hope you like this there aren't that many type of these stories so yeah bye👍

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