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Here I am in front of my supposed best friend in the whole world and she is pointing a gun at me... yeah a gun, I really know how to choose them right. Trying to free myself from my tongue tied mode, I finally cough out a sentence,

'Why are you doing this Lucy, I mean what have I done to you?'

'What do you mean by why am I doing this? Do I have to spell out to you how I saw you entering a hotel with my fiancé last night, HAND IN HAND, laughing and looking all lovey dovey ?'

Before I even had a chance to say Jack Sparrow, I heard a loud boom and felt liquid spilling out of my chest. I look up to see a smoking gun in my best friends hand (Scratch that, we are no longer friends) and she was still aiming it at me. In that moment all I could say was

'It was a business dinner'

Just like that I was dead for going on a business dinner... wow that is tragic. Then I heard the producer yell 'CUT...... AND THAT'S A WRAP', then clapping followed. I got up tried to readjust myself and then smiled at Lucy whose real name is Emily.

'What a day, I said'

'Let me call my fiancé and make sure I will not be doing any real shooting, said Emily'

At that we all just laughed and began signing a few paper works. To be sincere I was so happy the whole shoot was finally over, now I can go home to that handsome husband of mine. Even thinking about him makes the gorillas in my belly do a break dance. When I was 6, I started to think and even dream about the kind of man I would like to marry and 6months later Brad Straws comes running into my parents backyard and I remember saying 'He looks just like the boy from my dreams', we became friends and have known each other ever since. People have tried to separate us, but our love has always passed the tests life hands us. My name is Anna Straws and I am 27.

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