Ch. 1

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"Where are you little girl?" a man with a raspy voice says. He sounds like he has been smoking for years. The young girl cowers behind a bookcase. "I'm going to find you," he says with an eerie smile. He has a rotten face covered in wrinkles. There is a creak in the floor board as he looks around the bookcase that she was hiding near. I hear a scream.

I wake up sweating, and thankful it was just another nightmare. In the past few months, I have woken up several times during the night. Each time, with a dream similar to the last. It always starts with an old, brown door. The door opens, revealing a terrifying scene. In each dream, I am watching a crime happen. I never see the finished product. I only see enough to know what is happening, and where. Tonight the dream was in a library. A girl was running from a man who was trying to harm her, so she hid...

"Ashling, time for breakfast! We need to leave soon," my mom yells from downstairs, interrupting my thoughts.

"All right!" I yell back, "I'll be right down." I quickly get dressed, and run downstairs. My mom has the news on the T.V.

"Breaking news, young girl rushed to hospital in critical condition after being found in the town library." Well, that is extremely strange. It is almost like my dream actually happened.

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