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Their dinner got over and Jungkook decided to hang out at Jin's house for a while. He then remembered that he didn't ask Hoseok for your name. The man must have read her resume so he must know something about you. Jungkook asked Hoseok. "Hyung do you know the name of that girl?"

"What girl are you talking about?"He asked the younger innocently.

Jungkook gave him an irritable look.

"Bro, I don't know what woman you are talking about."

"You know the girl who came to give an interview today. The girl who spilled coffee on me."

"Oh that girl! Why do you want to know her name?" Hoseok gave him a teasing grin and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Shut up hyung and just say her darn name!"

"Haha! Why are you going so mad and impatient kookie? You know what? I am not going to tell her name. You should find it yourself tomorrow."

"HyUnG! Whatever......" He got angry and left. There was no use to ask him. He was just going to keep on teasing him.


You got a call for the final selection and your happiness knew no bounds. You started jumping on the bed screaming that you were a step away from getting a job at Jeon Industries. People would literally die for getting a job at this company but you got it so easily.


How did you get it so easily?

You had heard that they truly make people wait for at least 2-3 weeks. But once you get inside the system, your life is going to be blessed. Well whatever.... you were just too lucky or something. You only hoped that this luck won't fade away before your interview 'cause you really needed it right now.

As you jumped, the bed was making a squeaking sound. It rocked making an impact on the wall continuously. The sound was really weird. You suddenly slipped and banged your head right into the wall on headboard's side.

"Owwwwww!! That hurts." You groaned from the sensation of your now throbbing skull.

Remembering your encounter with that guy in the office and your face went red. It was really embarrassing. You didn't want to see him again. If you did, you knew you would pass out that instant.

"Hey!!! Would you lovers keep your volume down and fuck somewhere else? You are disturbing us!!!" The walls of the room were so thin that you could practically hear the things on the other side of the wall. And you're laughing, jumping and screaming like a maniac would have helped them to think that someone in the next room is having.......

Fuck . My. Life......

You found it funny though.

You got ready for your second interview on time and entered the company.

Pressing the floor button you causally stood waiting for the doors to close but they suddenly stopped from closing and you caught a glimpse of a man entering inside busy on his phone.


He was the same person on whom you had fell and had knocked coffee on. You quickly covered your face with the resume file and looked away.


You didn't want to see him again and here he is in the lift alone with you. You wanted to knock him out and run away from there. The lift was filled with silence. You caught a scent of a sexy fragrance coming from the person. The perfume seemed to be costly.

You bet his ass is fucking rich.

The lift suddenly opened on your floor but you were too busy lost in your thoughts. You heard the man's voice suddenly. "Excuse me miss, I think this is your stop to get down."

You mentally facepalmed and muttered a little sorry before getting down from the lift. The door closed. You swore you felt him smirking behind your back.

Maybe he knew who you were but decided not to show it.

Jungkook narrowed his eyes seeing you tripping on your feet before walking away hastily. He knew you were scared of him and that made him eager to talk to you.

"She thinks she can hide from me that easily?" Jungkook chuckled. "Cute."

You sighed and knocked on the door of the room in which the interview was held earlier. You heard a voice saying to get inside.

"Hello y/n. Nice to see you again!
He smiled at me.

"Nice to see you too Mr. Jung." You forced a smile.

"Oh! You remember my name, I see." He asked in a fake surprising tone.

"I have a good memory sir." You dead-panned.

"U huh. And you are just on time unlike the last time." The man replied slyly attempting to put my confidence down. You shrugged and replied to him with a grin. "But here I am!"

He chuckled. "No wonder he chose you"

"Pardon?" You asked him confusingly not knowing who and what he was talking about.

"Nothing" He replied with a smile and continued. "Follow me. Today someone else is going to take your interview." He said the last words with excitement in his voice.

The man put his hands on your shoulders and pushed you through the open door from which you just entered. Hoseok pressed the floor number and looked you enthusiastically. You were surprised yet afraid and unsure of what was going on and who was going to take your interview this time.

The silence and tension in the atmosphere increased. Hoseok broke it with his dork face. "Hey! Don't worry. It's going to be alright. I promise you that your interview will be great. It's not like someone is going to kill you or something if you made a mistake." He spoke the last words with laugh attempting to scare you more.

"Thanks. Those words really contributed to raise my spirits." You spoke sarcastically. He just smiled and shook his head in utter satisfaction of teasing you.

You were having a fun time getting used to him. He seemed like a good person. Also, he was really beautiful like an angel. The man seemed to have a dork personality which was really entertaining when you are down. If he has a girlfriend she would be really lucky to have her personal little cute ball of sunshine in her pocket.

The elevator ringed signalling to have reached on the floor. You got out seeing him directing you to the office. Your heart began to beat faster and you started to get uneasy feeling something wrong.

You felt like you shouldn't be here. Several thoughts began to run through your mind. Sweat started forming on the palms of your hand. Your heart rate increased dangerously felt like you were being taken to a cell or torture room of sorts for questioning. Hoseok knocked on the door again giving you an irritating grin.

You heard someone from the inside asking you to come in. And just for a second you thought that you had heard this voice somewhere but couldn't put a finger on it. You were unsure of where you had heard it. Suddenly, you started feeling sick. Hoseok signalled you to go in giving a warm smile.

You put your sweaty hands on the wooden door and pushed it, in order to get in.

Oh, god no

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