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Johnathan Everdine, thats my name. Perhaps you've heard of me, after all, I used to be one of the leading gamers in the country. If you havent heard of my real name, then you've probably heard my username, Armis. But who I am is only part of my story, let me tell you the rest.

I grew up in a small town, middle of nowhere, nothing happened there. Everyone was trash, I got bullied daily, and I honestly never thought I would be important, I always thought my life would be meaningless, with a unimportant end.

My mother and I were always struggling with money, she always had to work double shifts at the local dinner, and when I turned sixteen, I instantly had to get a job. But when I hit highschool, my mom bought me a computer. I have no idea how she got it, or even where, and honestly, I didnt care, I saw the computer as a way to escape from this horrible life, and live others through games.

Danger and death around every corner, those were my kind of games. Hardcore horror and survival, I loved them so much, and it seemed right away I was a natural at them. I guess I was born with practical thinking and strategic skills because I always found the two came naturaly to me.

But even so, what I learned from these games I played, and all of the skills I developed, could never have prepared me for what happened, what changed my real life, as well as my gamming life forever.

Note from the author: This is a work in progress and I havent really written many stories in my life, so any critisism, tips, or any proof reading would be greatly appreciated, thanks. :)

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