Will I ever see you agian?

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Rain streaked down the windows as they held each other closely. This would be there last day seeing each other. 

            “I don’t want you to leave me.” She said with a tear in her eye.  

“I have to I don’t really have any other choice.” Dan said holding me closely.

“Do you promise we will see each other again one day?” He looked into her deep blue eyes that were already an ocean flowing with tears,

“I will do better than that.”

“What can possibly me better than that?” Lilly asked.

“It means I will come back no matter how long it takes.”

 Lilly’s mom appeared in the doorway, she looked sad as well that he was leaving.

“Dan you’re mother just arrived would you like me to stall her for you?” “He said no thank you; if I don’t leave I will never be able to.”

He pulled me into a hug and said goodbye Lily I hope to see you soon. Those words melted in my brain as I saw him get into his mother’s dented blue Toyota. And I waved goodbye one last time.

I woke up miserable, my damn alarm clock went off again, that thing is so loud and annoying how come I still have it? I think one day I will take my sledgehammer just so I can get rid of that thing. Also I can get some anger out. I had the same dream every night that he still hasn’t come back. I am worried out of my mind. It’s Saturday and there’s nothing to do, and it’s supposed to be like 90 degrees outside but instead I stay inside and message my friends on Facebook.

  My mom thinks it’s wrong that I stayed inside she complained, “Why don’t you go outside on the most beautiful day and why can’t you call up one of your friends?”

I said back, “Well first of all I have a history essay due this Monday and plus my only friend was Dan. The rest are doing the same as I am.”

I actually wasn’t working on my history essay because it’s actually due Friday. My Teacher always gives in when I ask for more time.

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