David DeAngelo - Double Your Dating

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Double Your Dating

What Every Man Should Know

About How To Be

Successful With Women

By David DeAngelo

©2001, All Rights Reserved.


It's taken me a long time to figure out all of the things that you're

about learn. I've spent years on this.

This book is meant to be used like an encyclopedia. It's meant to

be a REFERENCE, not a novel.

The best way to use it is to read it and find all of the parts that you

like and all of the ideas, skills and techniques that you would like to

work on and improve. Then take those sections and either write them

down or print them so you can review them and practice.

Success with women isn't like success with learning to use a light


Success with women is more like success with learning to play a

musical instrument. It takes practice. At first none of it makes any

sense. Sometimes it seems as though all of your practice isn't making

a difference.

But if you keep at it, eventually you'll be playing songs. And then

you'll be writing songs. Next thing you know, you've become a master.

So take this book and use it as a workbook. Come back to it often.

Reread the parts that you want to learn and integrate. And most


Many people make the mistake of reading a book, and then saying

"I know that stuff" before they've mastered the information in their


Don't make this mistake yourself.

Keep reading and practicing and using it until you HAVE IT DOWN.

And do me a favor. Email me with your ideas, comments, and

complaints. I want to know what you think. You can email me at


Now let's have some fun!

The Bad Guy Notice:

This book is copyright 2001, with all rights reserved. It is illegal to

copy, distribute, or create derivative works from this book in whole or

in part, or to contribute to the copying, distribution, or creating of

derivative works of this book. When you purchased this book, you

agreed to the statement on the bottom of the homepage of my

website that stated:

"©2001, All Rights Reserved. If you try to copy, steal, or distribute all or any

part of my book or this web page without permission, I will have my attorney

contact you and make you wish that you'd never had such a stupid idea in your

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2008 ⏰

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