Charcoal Girl

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"You're dark just like me," my grand-father would say. "Dark like charcoal."

And so, I became charcoal girl.


Yes, I'm a black girl. It doesn't mean I need to have someone black on my profile pictures.

Yes, I'm a black girl. My afro long since died when my mum decided to relax (chemically straighten) my hair. No, it's not a form of child abuse. No, you can't touch my hair and braids. I am not a petting zoo.

Yes, I am a black girl. Martin Luther King Jr is not my hero. Oh the shock and horror.

Yes, I am a black girl. I like watermelons and sometimes eat KFC. Have you ever tried cold watermelon juice in the summer? It's a God send.

Yes, I am a black girl who sometimes experience racism. But it's not my problem you don't want to be served by a black girl. I couldn't care.

Yes, I am a black girl whose ideas, thoughts and ways of thinking are what most would describe as stupid, out of date, old fashion and dumb. But that isn't my problem.

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