17. You Take My Breath Away

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Hello, lovely readers!

This chapter features my favourite Queen song, so I've posted the video too (the live one, because it's the version Lyra sang) just because you might enjoy it. Have fun reading, love you all!


I sat in stunned silence. His words sat in the air between us, filling the car with awkwardness and tension.


I held up a finger, glancing out of the window. "Give me a second. Please."

Nate sat back, releasing his grip on my waist. I twisted, leaning my forehead against the window. The night outside was black, the orange light of the streetlamps filtering through the glass. I watched my breath create clouds of fog as I thought about what Nate had just said. 

I looked back at him. "For real?"

He nodded. "Yeah."

I had to ask. "Why?"

"I love you," was all he said, with a simple shrug. 

I let out a humourless laugh. "After all this time, hiding everything so that neither of us get kicked out, you've quit? The band means everything to you!"

"Listen to me," He sat forward, brushing his thumbs along my cheek. "The band used to mean everything to me. It used to. Back when it was just three guys jamming in a crappy studio." He broke off, clearly remembering the good old days. "Then this random chick won our audition and changed my life."

"Kick the Crown won't survive without you." I said, shaking my head in utter disbelief.

"I don't care." He yelled, slamming his head back into his seat. "Sorry," He apologised brusquely. "Seriously, Ly, the way I feel about you... Kick the Crown doesn't compare anymore."

I closed my eyes, wondering how we'd ended up here. "The band... Is it over now? What about the tour, the LP? What about Chris and Freddie?"

"They don't get to choose what I do. As for the LP and the tour... Elliot says I have to do the London show tomorrow night and he's going to push for a New York show when we get back as my 'farewell' concert." He breathed out deeply. "Then it's over for me."

"You really think I can continue Kick the Crown without you?" I snarled. 

"Then don't. We don't have to feel tied down by the band anymore. We don't have to let Elliot dictate our relationship anymore - he's no longer my employer." He added, smugly.

I was still full of shock and questions. "Isn't there a clause in our contract prohibiting this kind of thing? I don't believe he let you just walk away."

He shrugged. "He knew he had no choice. If he'd forced me to stay, I would have ruined the band with my 'washed up rockstar attitude' and he'd earn less money. He went for the option that worked in his favour."

"And... and that's it? You're just Nathaniel Jones, not Nate from Kick the Crown?"

"He's threatening to sue me as well, but it'll all work out." 

"What the hell?! Nate, are you sure you've thought this through?" He sounded crazy, like this was some spur of the moment decision he was bound to regret sooner or later. There was no panic in his voice, despite having just thrown away his career - and not just any career, one that he'd worked toards for years. 

"You know, most women would be over the moon to hear that a guy gave up his job for her." He pointed out. He sighed. "I've thought it through - I can't carry on hurting you like this."

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