A hurt wondering boy

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(no one's POV)

Somewhere in Europe we see a young white haired boy with blue eyes and a few wounds all over his body limping in a forest.

Somewhere in Europe we see a young white haired boy with blue eyes and a few wounds all over his body limping in a forest

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In his left hand he seems to be holding a metal pipe for support to walk, not only that but it was also covered in blood. He seems to be about around 10 years old and seemed to be ready to fall over.

"What the heck is going on....... what happened to my friends and the priest?"- ???

The boy kept walking until he eventually feel over and lands in the wet dirt. The boys vision was going blurry and saw a figure walking to him, but with his vision messed up he couldn't tell who or what it was.

"Oh dear are you alright young boy?!"- ???

"... I..... I..."- boy

"Don't speak hold on!"- ???

Before he knew it the boy finally passes out and could see nothing but darkness.

Time skip (your POV)

'I'm so cold, it's so dark I'm scard.'- ???

Was I dead, I couldn't tell by this point I couldn't feel or move any part of my body. I couldn't even tell where I was, to be honest all I remember is that I was running from my orphanage cuz everyone started to act weird and go crazy trying to kill me.

'Hm, so your my host then boy?'- ???

Wait who was that and why do I suddenly feel a little bit warmer? Before I got my answer I saw a strange cyan flame.

'Your body seems to be still growing, and therefore way to young to hold my power for now. But I suppose I could grant you better physical ability.'- ???

Was this fire talking or am I going crazy. Maybe this is what happens when you die, you start to see things.

'For now, your going to have to wake up now kid.'- ???

Wake up, aren't I dead? Strangly enough I started to open my eyes slowly not only that but my hearing was kicking in too, I started to hear voice 1 male and the other was feminine.

"Is the young boy alright head nurse?"- ???

"He should be alright, he's injuries have seemed to heal nicely but he shouldn't be up and about just yet Komui"- woman

"Well that's good to hear. Poor boy all the people in his home turned into akuma."- Komui

"I'm aware of that, but what do you plan on doing with him surely you don't intend on throwing him out on the streets do you?"- woman

"Of course not nurse, he is just a child... he looks about the same age as Lenalee."- Komui

As soon as my eyes opened I saw two people a male and female just like I thought and they have their backs turned to me so they probably don't know I'm awake now.

"Psst hey."- ???

I looked around until I saw a girl hidding under a bed. She has dark green hair and purple eyes she also had a bandage on her face with a few scratches as well.

 She has dark green hair and purple eyes she also had a bandage on her face with a few scratches as well

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She crawls out from under the bed quietly and leans over my bed.

"I like your hair it reminds me of snow, and your eyes are nice too."- girl

"U-um...th-thank you."- ???

The girl smiles at mean and looks at the two adults still talking. I don't know why but I started to move my left hand and lightly touch her cheek causing her to look at me lightly touching my hand with her own.

"What happened to your face?"- ???

"...I got hurt by these things called akuma...what about you?"- girl

"I don't know, what's your name?"- ???

"Huh? I'm Lenalee Lee."- Lenalee

"That's a funny name."- ???

"Well, what's your name?"- Lenalee

"I'm (y/n)."- (y/n)

"(Y/n)?... I like it."- Lenalee

I could feel the sides of my mouth move up to make a smile. Even though I still feel a little pain in my body I can't help but to feel happy. Side note my hand is still on her cheek, and her hand is still on mine.

"There warm, your hands."- Lenalee

Before I could say anything she let's go of my hand and crawls back under the bed again.

"Ah, your awake now."- Komui

I looked in front of me to see a tall man with dark eyes and long dark purple hair that curls at the end. He wears a pair of wire-frame, pentagonal glasses, a light blue turtleneck sweater, white pants and a white beret.

 He wears a pair of wire-frame, pentagonal glasses, a light blue turtleneck sweater, white pants and a white beret

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"My name is Komui Lee, do you have a name?"- Komui

"I'm (y/n)."- (y/n)

"That's a nice name, now I'm sorry to tell you this but. It...may appear that all your friends and guardians at that orphanage you where in have...all turned into akuma... I'm sorry."- Komui

'Thats the third time I've heard that word and don't know what that means."- (y/n)

"Might I ask you something?"- Komui

Komui pulls out the pipe I was using when I tried to escape the orphanage and it looks like it still had blood on it.

"Can you tell me where this blood came from?"- Komui

"I stabbed one of them with it in the eyes to get away."- (y/n)

"That's interesting this should so much as scratch the akuma the pipe maybe laced with innocence."- Komui

"Innocence?"- (y/n)

"Oh right you don't know, well I would like to ask you one more think if you don't mind."- Komui

"What?"- (y/n)

"Would you like to live here in the order?"- Komui

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