Chapter One

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I watched him at the vending machine. He was odd looking, not the type that makes you think he should be locked up in a mental hospital or behind bars. The type of odd that just stood out to most people. He looked...Weird, it's the only word I could use to describe him.

Tattoos covered his arms and the part of his neck that was uncovered from his shirt.

This would be the third day I'd seen him. Same white shirt and black faded jeans, his expression never changed either.

He always had this blank expression. There was no denying that this man was very handsome, with his hard square jaw, the sides of his head were partially shaven while the top was a bit long. Long enough for bangs to cover his forehead. I had seen him every night since Tuesday. Mostly when he was at the vending machine right after getting his snacks he'd leave somewhere in the building leaving patients and staff either gawking or whispering. Most of the people seemed either disgusted by the way he looked but also scared he had a lot of muscle as well as an expression that wasn't very welcoming. Some nurses liked flirting with him though but why wouldn't they? He was nice to look at and he was new.

We lived in a small town, you know those towns where everyone knows everyone that's probably the only reason I know so much. We hardly get visitors and even if we did none of them looked the way he did. I mean the tattoos not his looks.  He was all anyone could talk about but still no one besides the nurses knew why he was at the hospital. He was always alone and kept to himself all the time. Only time people see him talk is when he asks the nurses something.

He glanced at me as walked by and I quickly looked away going to the vending machine.

I walked into the hospital room once I finished at the machine "You sure you didn't want anything? I can go back.."

"Ava calm down. I'm fine."I sighed softly dropping into the chair next to my mom's bed. We've been here for 2 weeks now. My mom had collapsed because of her cancer, doctor told her to take it easy but she was a very stubborn woman. I guess she just gets tired of everyone babying her, I mean who wouldn't? We just worry though especially me its not everyday you see your mom fall to the ground "So did you see him today?" She asked playing with her blonde hair, much different to my dark brown. By now even she had heard all the gossip about the new mystery man.

"Yes I saw him."

"Same snacks?" I nodded.

"Same clothes?"Again I nodded.

"Same emotionless expression?" Nod.

"If you're so interested in why he's here then ask."I snorted. Go up to a guy like that and just be all "Hey I know you don't know me but everyone here wants to know why you came to our town." Yeah right, like that would go well he'd probably end up yelling at me or rip my head clean off. "I don't think he'd appreciate that mom." I stared at her blankly. My mom and I were so different not just in looks but in personality. She was a vibrant blonde with tanned skin and beautiful sea green eyes were I was the complete opposite with my dark hair and pale skin, even being in a hospital bed with tubes stuck into her didn't make her any less beautiful she does look more magnificent when she's healthy though. One thing I had inherited from my mom and that was my eye colour, one thing I actually loved.

"Why not? You said you always see him alone. Might as well give him some company."She said pulling me out of my thoughts.

"He's been here for three days. If he wanted company he'd have some."

"Didn't you say he was scary looking?" I nodded slowly, raising an eyebrow "Well maybe people are to scared to keep him company."I thought about it and it seemed possible. I heard some of the male nurses mutter the words devil worshipper once when he left a room. Most of the people in this town are Christian or act like they are, so him having tattoos and looking the way he does automatically makes him the anti-Christ or something.

I was intrigued by his tattoos and by tattoos in general most of the people here who had tattoos covered them up and didn't have nearly as many as he had.


Later that night I was trying to steal a pillow from one of the empty rooms. The nurses were done telling me I couldn't stay the night because I just wouldn't listen. While I was sneaking into a room I saw him again talking to a nurse, she was one of the few who liked him and right now seemed very interested in a tattoo on his arm that she was stroking. He just looked bored, he kept checking the coffee machine and seemed to get more and more annoyed when it wasn't finished yet.

I decided to ignore them and went to steal a pillow sneaking into the room like a ninja, I mean serious this was some intense spy/undercover cop stuff  I was doing. Stealing a pillow is not for the faint of heart. Much to my surprise he was still there after I got my pillow just casually sipping his coffee, occasionally blowing the steam away.

I was excited and nervous. I hadn't seen him up close before and I really wanted to and now was my chance. I walked over to the coffee machine and popped some coins in. I looked at him from the corner of my eye and was happy that he was deep in thought staring into his small cup. I could rake my eyes over his body -not in a perverted way- and he wouldn't notice. I could see the details of his tattoos more clearer, the flower on the front of his neck was beautiful but I couldn't help but shiver at the thought of how painful it must have been to get that done.

His eyes were grey, even they were such a light colour his eyes seemed very dark. His jaw was firm and clenched left unshaven for a few days leaving a bit of stubble. His high cheek bones complimented his hard facial features. He had a nose piercing, a tiny stud almost unnoticeable. The machine beeped nearly making me jump.

When I turned around after getting my coffee I froze. He was staring right at me, not even looking away when I caught him. He moved away from the wall and my breath caught in my throat, he walked straight passed me much to my disappointment. My heart hadn't calmed down from the gorgeous stranger even when I got to my mom's room. 

Chapter one is also on quotev. It's the only chapter I'm going to post on there, the rest will be here.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 ⏰

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