The missing berries

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The missing berries were lost at 7:29 am. Berry man was going to get his berries but he found none in the fridge. He screamed in terror. Then he said " oh my gosh i lost my berries!"Determined to find them he looked everywhere for his berries. Under the couch, in the bed, and under the floorboards! But no signs of berries. So then he looked outside and saw tree that had something that looked like berries on it. He ran outside and jumped on the branch of the tree. He then screamed "OH MY GOSH I THINK I FOUND MY BERRIES!" The berry man then ate the berry. In disgust he said "not my berries". Berry man looked for hours everywhere. Even climbed over the fence to the neighbors house to the neighbors tree. The neighbor the muffin said angrily "WHY ARE YOU ON MY TREE BERRY MAN?" Berry man then explained to muffin man that he lost his berries and was looking all day for them. Muffin man was then understanding why he was on the tree. But muffin man let out a giggle. Berry man was confused. Muffin man then told Berry man to turn to the tree. Muffin man said I have a muffin tree not a berry tree silly! They both laughed. But berry man still wanted to find his berries. So Muffin man said check at ms.Blackberries house. She might have a berry tree. Berry man thanked him and ran down the street to ms.Blackberries house. Just hoping to find his berries.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2014 ⏰

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