Rhylor and Karne. (Under Construction)

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        A Coruscant Police speeder flew through the lower levels, moving swiftly to the Coruscant Galactic Prison. The place where the worst criminals in the galaxy were locked away, never to see daylight again. The speeder hooked a right turn through the narrow alleys of the planet. Above it many other vehicles whizzed by, leaving small trails of exhaust when they left. Then the speeder was upon it, the prison. The prison was a colossal Mandalorian iron structure with absolutely no windows. It stood pitch black against the silvery colors of Coruscants skyscrapers.

        Rhylor looked down on the indoor yard from his prison cell. Many inmates where lifting various weights and doing different exercises. Others where in groups talking quietly, probably not to alarm the guards, which were many. In the middle of the yard was a black tower going from ground to ceiling, filling the whole three hundred floors up. In the top level of this tower was the control room, where all of the security cameras were controlled. A loud siren blared across the speakers, meaning that Rec. time was over. The inmates were corralled into their small three by four cells by guards armed with E-11 blaster rifles or elctrostaffs.

        From the back seat of the police speeder sat the most dangerous and feared criminal on Coruscant, Drexan Karne, in chains, his mouth muzzled, his hair long, his bloodshot eyes stared murderously ahead at the drivers seat, where two officers chatted quietly. 

        "I'm telling ya" said the driver, "The Mudsluggs are going to kill the Bilgerats in Huttball today." the other officer snorted, "Bilgerats all the way" he paused, "Sir." Drexan deftly slid his hands under his legs and in front of him and got behind the driver's chair. The officer looked in the rear view mirror and tried to scream, but Drexan had his cuffed hands around the officers head faster. Drexan pulled back with all his willpower and used the chain to choke the life out of the man, the other officer jumped in the back seat with Drexan and lunged at him, Drexan Pinned him to the side of the cab with his powerful legs and put his other foot on the officers neck. He watched the life drain from both of their eyes and savored it, making it last for as long as he could before releasing his grasp on both of them. Fortunately the craft was on autopilot and still was cruising smoothly in all the turmoil. Drexan moved his lean frame into the front seat, pushing the dead body through the window and hearing a satisfying crunch far below. He then then turned on the police database. Drexan slowly typed in his First and last name on the keyboard, and a screen popped up


Race:  HUMAN

Gender: MALE

Home planet: [CLASSIFIED]

Height: 6'5

Weight: 273 POUNDS

Charged for: MURDER IN THE FIRST DEGREE(Three accounts) MURDER IN THE SECOND DEGREE(eighteen accounts) ILLEGAL ARMS SMUGGLING(two accounts)

Bounty: 100,000,000 credits, dead or alive

Drexan ripped his muzzle off for better sight  and typed into the keyboard the command *Clear-14890-Karne,Drexan* like he had many times, this removed his bounty and his criminal file from the database, Drexan laced his fingers together and sat back, proud of his work.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2014 ⏰

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Coruscant Galactic prison, inmate #70107Where stories live. Discover now