DreamCatcher Series; Book One

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HELLO!!!!!!!!!!! So this morning I woke up from the best dreams I have ever expirenced (plot wise) It's really cool that my mind managed to come up with that. Anyway, being the total loon I am I came up with what I would call a great idea. From now on I will be posting books for this new DreamCatcher Series (Don't know if that series name is already in use but I can almost garantee that it isn't for this AMAZING purpose) based on amazing dreams I have the night before and try to get them finished in a day so I don't overlap dreams and forget how one of them went, the books will most likely be at most three chapter long, exceptions are possible. Anyway please don't judge. You have to remember that dreams can be extraordinarily crazy (especialy if they are mine ^_^) Also if you wanna to do something similar to this you are welcome to use this series but call it (insert user here)'s DreamCatcher Series and please say that I started it and dedicate the first book to me. It will be really cool if this idea is passed on and great to see a bunch of different DreamCatchers out there ^-^. Anyways first dream coming up.....

-- Fall Asleep -- 

"Come on Zelds! Let's go already I wanna try this place out. It'll be cool!" The sound of my sister, Violet, calling me from downstairs startles me from my trance. Somewhere new opened yesterday. It's some kind of adventure park or something. It sounds fun. (A/N I've always wanted a sis so I dream I have one usually)

"Alright I'm coming!" I call, throwing on my fave tiger print connies. When I stand up I lock eyes with my reflection in the full length mirror on my wall. I'm wearing a batman top and black jeans. My hair is done in pigtails with white ribbons streaming out of the hair ties. (A/N *sigh* my dream outfit. ^-^ Lol get it?) I grab my blue denim jacket and run downstairs where Violet and my cousin, Alice, are waiting for me at the front door. 

"So what's this place about?" Alice asks Violet just as I come into earshot.

"It didn't really say much in the discription...but it looks like so much fun." Violet says

"How do you know if it will be fun?" I ask Vi. Alice jumps and Vi turns on me.

"Can't you just take my word for it?!" Violet almost screams. 

"Alright calm down V," I say rubbing my ears and walk out the door with Alice and Vi. Living in the country  has its upsides. REALLY CLEAR AIR is one of them. It's a crisp winter morning. Lots of mist. Vi gets out her iPhone and types the adress of this place we're supposed to go. Siri guides us towards our destination. Ugh. Mud. Everywhere. Ugh. (A/N dream mud, even worse than the real stuff...sticks to your shoes like gloop...) It only takes us twenty minutes to reach our des. A massive building looms over us. When we walked through the door a wave of cold and warm air hit us from all directions. When the gust stops I can see properly and I am GOBSMACKED! Its just, WOAH. The place is packed in the foyer and then there is kind of a rink out the back. When the door closes everyone in the foyer stops talking and looks our way. Do we seriously look that badass. I'm in my fave outfit, Alice has a dark blue shirt with "WHAT?!" written on it and denim shorts with a black jaket and black sneakers & Violet is in a black Tee with "BRING IT ON" in bold across the back and Long black tracksuit pants with her denim jaket and black boots. But if that ain't "badass" enough we all have black eyeliner on making us look total goth. Still everyone looks at us with quizzicle expressions when some rando shouts out from the crowd. 

"Well come on, make them a path to the front desk!" Everyone stepped out of the way and made a clear path for us to pass through. I take the lead. Al and Vi follow, eyebrows raised at the crowd. Eh. When we reach the front desk the lady behind it pauses, looking utterly amazed at our presence as though we were glowing. I can feel hundreds of eyes burning into my head left, right and center. I turn around.

DreamCatcher Series; Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now