Big City , Big Lights

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Entering her 10th floor loft apartment , Jasmine Odjig , a 30 year old marketing executive slowly stumbles in her apartment throwing her $200 pair of high heals to the side , slowly making to her kitchen to grab a cold bottle of water . It's been a long day and even longer evening . After a night of cocktails and tapas with friends and her very handsome grease back hair , fine tailor suit , stock broker boyfriend she decided to call it a night and head home .

While she was zippering her dress and getting ready for bed , she notices the red blinking light from her answering machine . She knew it wasn't the office , they would have called her cell , hitting the button to hear the message , she got a sound of comfort on the other line .

Aloha , my sister , it's been a couple of weeks since you checked in , was hoping to catch you but your slaving at the office I guess . As soon as you get this . I love you and miss you .

Leah , my older sister by a couple year , she really took over the mother role while we both got shipped to our grandparents after our parents fatal accident.

She glances at the phone and thought about returning the call , but she's had to much booze to even think about dialing anyone at this moment . She slides off her dress and heads to bed .

It's a cold raining day , very rare in the summer months on the island . 19 year old Jasmine is in her bedroom she shares with her sister , throwing her clothes and other items in a run down suit case . "I can't take her anymore , I'm suffocating, I want to experience the world , it's not my fault that I got accepted at NYU ." Screaming Jasmine while there's tears running down her face . "It's not your fault and I want you too look at me Jasmine, I want you to get on that plane today , I want you to spread your wings and I want you leave and never look back . As your sister , I just want to see you happy , and he should be happy for you , I'll take care of everyone here , you just go " Leah quickly gives Jasmine a big hug , helps her back her backs and sends her to the airport in a cab .
Beep Beep Beep Beep

Jasmine quickly rolls over with her hand in her head . Her memories always play as movie scenes in her dreams , sometimes worst then others . But it's time to head to the office and get back to work , she always promised she wouldn't look back .

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