Chapter Uno: Recruitment

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The morning light was creeping through the bedroom window past the black matted curtains. There was subtle chirping of birds signifying the start of the day for many, I stirred slightly in my bed opening my eyes just in time for the subtle ringing of my alarm to go off. An annoyed moan comes from next to me as tanned muscled arm creeps over my flat naked stomach.  I laughed slightly as the arm struggled to stop the ringing coming from my phone. Eventually, he was able to hit the stop button causing the sound to seize and leaving us with the peaceful chirps of the birds again.  I turned over looking at the male figure lying next to me his brown hair sticking up at different angles, his eyes fluttered open revealing his still tired eyes. 

"Good morning." He hummed as he brushed his fingers over my stomach again for the second time that morning, leaving a sweet sensation over the area of my skin that he touched. I laughed as he rested his head against my stomach and began placing pepper kisses around my belly button kissing further down almost reaching the point of pure bliss. I placed my hand on his hair letting the smooth texture glide through my fingers as his lips kissed every area of my body. He stooped kissing my body when the sound of footsteps was heard making there way up the stairs of our 2 story standard house. My eyes went wide realising that my father was fast approaching the door and I was naked with an equally as naked man lying in bed next to me. I jumped out of the bed grabbing the nearest shirt closest to my hand and shoving it over my body in hope to create an image of decency and present the picture of a virgin daughter. 

"Sam get under the bed and be quiet." I threw Sam's boxer shorts and other items of his clothing in his direction and hurried him out of the bed to only then get underneath. It was only a single and it was hard enough to squeeze both of us in when we were sleeping, let alone try and fit a 6 foot nothing man underneath who was not exactly built for hiding. I got down on my knees to make sure that Sam was adequately hidden and to press my lips against his before pulling the bed sheets over the side of the bed in an attempt to hide him further. 

"Umm babe, I think your Dad is going to notice considering you are wearing my shirt. " Sam chuckled underneath the bed not affected by the fact that his possible death date was fast approaching. I looked down at the only item of clothing I was wearing and groaned in annoyance at my clear stupidity and foolishness that I did recognize the shirt I was currently wearing.  The footsteps had made their way up the stairs and were now currently standing outside my door. I jumped into the bed pulling the duvet cover up to my chin to hide the obvious male black shirt that was not mine. 
Three knocks on the door echoed through the room before my dad walked in, wearing his cheap suit and faded brown shoes, that needed rehealing, holding a mug of tea in his hand and a cheeky grin on his face. 

"Morning Sweetie. I brought you tea in bed for a change." He smiled at me walking closer to the bed, the mug of tea in his faded blue bruised hand. Of course, the morning that I have someone sleeping next to me he decides that today was a good day for father-daughter bonding time. I watched warily as he placed the cup on the coaster, leaning down slightly so he could rest it carefully on the bedside table. The cup made contact with the coaster with a confident thud slightly spilling its milky content over the side on the clay made cups brim.  I watched as my father released his grip from around the handle of the poor cup but he hesitated standing straight away, his body tilted slightly, his eyes pulled together in curiosity, almost like he could hear the beating of pounding heart ready to explode from my chest. Straightening himself up again, I let out a silent sigh of relief knowing that the boy hiding under my bed would have his gorgeous head attached to the rest of his body for another day.  

"Sweetie." My father smiled in my direction as he took a seat on an empty section of my bed causing the framework to squeak slightly. My eyes widened slightly in terror knowing that the slight dip in the bed would give Sam less room then what he originally started with. My father reached a handout and tucked a stray piece of my grey ombre hair behind my ear. 
"You need to get up Lola, my men will be here soon and we don't them seeing you whoring about." He spoke softly hiding the harsh insult that he just threw in my direction. His stern face looked back at my shocked stricken face before closing my eyes in embarrassment knowing that I had just been caught. He stood up from the bed leaning over to kiss before forehead before walking across the old stained carpet of my room back towards the door but hesitated to leave before he turned back around to face me with a sadistic smile on his face.

"Also, tell the son of a bitch hiding under your bed he has 2 minutes to get out of my house before I stick a bullet between his eyes" He pulled back the bottom half of his suit jacket to reveal his precious gun that was attached to his hip, just to prove a point. 
"Oh and wear the new dress I got you." I nodded once again and smiled half-heartedly as my father made his final exit from my room. 

I dropped my head back and let out a deflated sigh before my body fell forward, my face pushed into the mattress of the bed as I let out a muffled scream. I guess I should have guessed that I couldn't hide anything from the number one gang leader of the west side. However, I should be happy that he didn't find Sam because I don't think it would have gone down well to know that one of his men was having sex with his little girl. I heard Sam struggling to get out from underneath the bed making as much noise as he could with every other word being a swear word in a long sentence of how he really hates being stuffed into small places. I laughed into the cover of the bed and continued laughing as I turned and faced Sam who was smiling sheepishly as he was putting on his pants and trousers.

"Can I have my shirt back please?" He reached out his hand and pointing at the item of clothing that was decorating my body. I stood up from the comfortable position I was in my bed and stepped directly in front of Sam and slowly undid every button on the shirt slowly and watched his eyes fill with lust as the now un did shirt exposed my body. I removed the item of clothing, holding it by the collar and dangled it directly in front of Sam's face that had a painful look of need splashed across it. 
"Here." I tossed the shirt over his head blocking his view of my body as I walked away to grab my bath towel to wrap around my body. 

"You Lola Marino will be the death of me."  

I shook my head at Sam ridiculous comments before stepping towards him and wrapping my self up in his arm resting my head against his shoulders.

"You need to go before my Dad's men get here, the last thing you need is to be caught sneaking out of the house by Christopher. "  I pulled back from Sam causing him to drop his grip from around my waist, stepping aside so he could walk to the door, I fiddled with the loose ends of my hair as I waited for Sam to finish dressing and walk in my direction for a leaving kiss.

"Actually." Sam forced out, my head shot up from looking at the ends of my hair, looking directly at Sam who had this achieved looking smile on his face. "Your Dad invited me last night to join this mission to the North Side tonight." 

My eyes widened in fear and anger my heart was racing all over again, my mouth was dry and my head felt dizzy. He was too young, he was only a year older than me, this was not right. Sam was being recruited and was being recruited on one of the most important night for this gang. He was going to get shot or even worst killed. 


The first chapter is up and starts to give you an insight on Lola and what it is like being the daughter of a gang leader on the Westside.

Let me know what you think




Louise x

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