You're My Best Friend? [Prologue+01]

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Hey guys. This is a new story. I know I haven't uploaded "Her Naughty Little Secret" in a while, but I am working on it. Just be patient with me? In the meantime, here is this new one to keep you occupied. It's the prologue + chapter one. Exciting huh? Well, it will be once you've read this. Anyway, I hope you all tell me what you think and whether or not it's good enough to continue.

Thanks! :D



12 years earlier

"Hey, that's my sand!" Kelly Michael James squealed.

The little girl who shoveled a scoop of sand gave him a look. "That's a lie."

In all of his six years, Kelly had never been spoken to. Even his nanny was a pushover. "That's my sand!"

The girl's curly dark hair, tied up in two ponytails on top of her head, shook as she disagreed. "My daddy said I could come and play here so I am."

Kelly slammed his little fist into the sand. "You can't."

"I can so."

"Can not!"

"Can so!"

"Kelly Michael!"

"Allyson Marie!"

It seemed both sets of parents overheard their argument. Allyson jumped up and ran into her mothers arms while Kelly just sat there. He didn't want to be bothered and the stupid girl was bothering him. Maybe now she would go away.

"Kelly? What's going on here?" it was his mom. And she didn't sound too happy.

"It's all her fault," he said pointing at the girl in question. "She was using my sand."

His mother knelt beside him and said, "Honey, the sand doesn't belong to you. We're at the beach."

Kelly shook his head. "No."

"Kelly stop being difficult," she said to him before turning to the evil girl and her parents. "I'm sorry about this. He isn't usually this disagreeable."

The tall man just smiled. "He's young. It's understandable. They all think the world is theirs."

Kelly's mom agreed. "It doesn't help that we make it easy for them."

Kelly was confused. It was almost like his parents knew the people with the evil child. "Who are these people mom?"

"Why don't we get you cleaned up so we can have some sandwiches?"

And like that, Kelly's mind was concentrated on food.


"Why are you covered in sand?" Ally asked the boy she met earlier that day.

He was covered up to his neck in sand.

"None of your beeswax." His voice sounded somewhat different than hers. It was almost like he was speaking wrong.

Ally propped her hands onto her hips. "My mommy always says that it isn't nice to be rude."

"Yeah? What else does she say?"

Ally didn't know what to say. The boy was a meanie. "You're mean."

"You stole my sand."

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Did not."

"Did too."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2010 ⏰

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