Scream For Me

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Scream For Me - Prologue 

 I sighed intensely as I dragged my fingertips across the frigid metal bars. Out of all the places I could be, I chose the damn playground. I must say, considering it's deserted, it's an awesome place to caress my thoughts instead of jamming them together like usual. I mean, what comes next? I've been stupid, so freaking stupid! I ended it with my boyfriend, my gorgeous boyfriend.. for one mistake. What happened to the everyone deserves a second chance quote? Where did that go? 

I groaned in frustration as I grabbed one of the double swings and gently swayed. What the hell happened to the whole jealousy gets you nowhere ordeal? He probably didn't mean anything by it. I mean, boys sometimes find themselves floating into those sort of moods and get so hung up in those urges but their girlfriends aren't available to satisfy them. So it's obvious he's going to search out the next possibility, right

But my heart couldn't budge the awful feeling of everyone looking and staring at me. I could have melted on the spot, he crushed me, humiliated me. Everyone knew, he practically cheated on me but not at the same time. I sighed, inhaling the sunset and oxygenated air. Why can't I just be loved? I found myself scowling unattractively at my invisible ex. 

'If the wind changes, your face may just stay like that.' A deep yet alluring voice spoke, a hint of an accent at its tail. My eyes remained glued to the tarmac floor beneath me as I gently stopped swaying. Was I afraid to look? What was I afraid of? The fact that I was stupid enough to be out here on my own as the moon slowly appears? The fact that I couldn't take the hint of the deserted playground to realise it really is getting dark and I'm all alone. 

I shook the thought off and raised my head, feeling my pulse pick up a fast, unsteady pace. I swallowed anxiously and I searched for the direction of that voice, my eyes widening in the process. Where'd he go? 

'Woah, calm down there.' The same voice chuckled, my head automatically turned to the swing beside me to realise it was now occupied. I felt my chest rise then fall, five times per second as I took in the males features. I found myself searching all aspects of his flawless face, the sharp blue eyes circled by a dark blue rim. The beauty of his jaw line, the small amount of stubble acting as an outline, bringing out the beauty which he possessed. His pale yet blood red lips, I wonder if they're as soft as they look. I inhaled as I trailed my eyes up to his short, yet long ruffled hair, he's damn sexy! I realised it was near to the colour as mine, dark brunette. Yet his had the tint of blackness, mine was just.. plain. 

I felt as though I was suffocating, as though the air I was breathing in wasn't doing enough to match the speed of my heart.

I heard him release a small cough and it was then that I realised I was gawking at him in awe. My eyes widened and I returned my gaze to the floor as I felt my cheeks heat up. That's embarrassing.. 

Silence overwhelmed us and I began to wonder if it would be best for me to leave. Would that be rude? He could be some crazy psycho killer and I'm worrying about being rude? 

I shouldn't judge though, should I? 

'Alex.. ' He introduced. 'My name's Alex.' 

I raised my eyes to meet his gaze to which I was held captivated by. He lifted his arm and reached out. I shifted slightly, only to be proved wrong, he just wanted hand shake. Jeez, what did I think he was going to do? Kill me?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2012 ⏰

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