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I don't own anything, not Katekyo Hitman Reborn and not Durarara. Unfortunately, even as much as I would love to. The only own the plot of this story. I hope you enjoy~

It's strange isn't it. When you realise that the people you would trust your back with, are the people most likely to betray you or even worst throw you away. Humans, have always been this way.

If you look back through time, you'll see all the times that someone has been betrayed. It happened to my many greats grandfather, and now it's happened to me. Is it something in the blood? Or is it in what power we hold, our influence? I don't know at this point, all I know is that it's changed me and I can't tell if it's for the best or for the worst. At least I didn't share my great grandfathers fate of death.

Though, it might have been better if I did. I might not have turned out this way otherwise. I have to admit though, even if he was a satanic devil of a teacher, Reborn did teach me a lot. I've improved since what I was when I was 14. I wonder if he would be proud of what I've become? I know i am~.

It's not like I wanted to become a mafia boss anyways, but did I have a choice? Apparently not. But since...that happened, I made sure I dropped off the grid, and now they can't find me. Now last I heard, they panicked when I disappeared. Not like I care, they could go rot in purgatory. But every now and again...I wonder, do they miss me? Do they feel sorry or upset? My response is always the same, no, no they do not.They just care that I've got the boss ring and they can't label anyone else as the boss. Oh~. Someone needs my help~. Poor, poor little human~. They don't know what they're getting into.
Oh well~. They'll learn in time, but by then it'll be too late. They'll already be apart of my little game of life. Tsunayoshi, who? I'm Izaya Orihara!

Well, I had some trouble writing this up, but no worries I've actually got it. As you can see~. I'll try updating 'Well Haven't You Changed... Kyoya Hibari' soon. I'm just kinda in a pickle. Well I've got to get back to work, I've just done this during class. Hope I'm not caught.
333 words, finished on 17/05/2019

Edit: sorry for being a procrastinator, I'm currently trying to improve my writing and I'm working on another book 😉. It's a BNHA book and it doesn't have a pairing (like what the majority of my books plots so far) but it will have hints of romance with everyone (again, like all my books plots). And for any of you who got worried that I got caught during class, thanks for your concerns, I lucky wasn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2019 ⏰

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