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Sometimes you love a person a lot,
But Allah did not write for him or her to be in you destiny...

But you pray for them in order to see them happy,
Only because you love them.

You also love whoever is related to them,
Whoever is associated to them and every person that is part of them...

You love and accept everyone they love and everyone who loves them...

Only because you love them and because their happiness is your happiness.

Love isn't always to have

Letting go is sometimes thr hardest thing,
But it is the most
You will ever experience.

Assalammualaikum semua readers yeon...soorry sesangat sebab yeon hiatus dua minggu....

Yeon sebenarnya periksa dua minggu lepas tu ade kem 2 hari....

Walau apa-apa pun yeon hyo tetap sayang semua readers yeon hyo

Thanks buat sesiapa yg still baca book yeon hyo ni❤❤❤

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