My Old Friend

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"Austin let's go to the ice cream shop!" "No I want pizza" "Fine I'll go myself" You walked into the ice cream shop and got a hot fudge sundae. You took a seat and got on your phone. "(y/n)??" That sounded familiar. You looked up and saw your best guy friend Sergio.

"OMG Sergio I haven't seen you in 6 YEARS! How have you been?" You got up and hugged him. "I know and I've been good. How have you been?" "Really good as well, I still can't believe I'm talking to you right now" you giggled. "Haha well you are still funny as I remember you." "Come take a seat with me,we need to catch up on things."

Both of you took a seat and started talking and giggling about the memories you had when you were little. Then Austin walked in and saw you with Sergio. "Austin you are back" "yea I'm back and now you have a new guy with you!" "Hi I'm Sergio" Sergio put his hand out to greet him but Austin denied.

"Come we are leaving!" Austin grabbed you by your arm and pulled you outside the shop, "ouch you are hurting me!" "Hey don't treat her like that!" Sergio yelled. "She's my girlfriend I treat her how I want" "excuse me!" I got out of Austin's grip.

•Your POV •

Did Austin just say he can treat me like he wants. "Sorry but last time I checked I'm my own person and I get treated how I want to be treated and you can't treat me like a pet you pull around!" "(Y/n) I didn't mean it that way" "No you did! Sorry Austin but we are over!" You ran away and rushed to your house. I just lost the love of my life.

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