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Hello everyone as many of your know my profile name is BibleBubba. Reason for that is I used to claim to be Christian but I fell away from the faith due to many doubts I had.

I still have many doubts. But I know enough to know and believe that Jesua Christ is God and the Bible is His written Word. I've given my life to God

Some might ask what if I'm wrong. If I am then I trust that God will show me I'm wrong and help me to see what is true and not what I want to be true.

Even though I'm a Christian now I'm still a Sonic fan through and through. I'm still going to watch Sonic shows and movies, read Sonic comics, and .....well since I'm not a gamer I can't say that I'll play Sonoc video games but I can say I'll watch them on YouTube.

I'll also still read and write Sonic fanfiction. But the difference is I'm going to remove ones on my page that would lead one to sin. Like lemons and sex stories.

Also I'm going to fanfics like Narnia. For those of you who don't know Narnia is actually a Christian book, or rather it was written by a Christian who uses the Narnia series to indirectly talk about Jesus.
The lion was Jesus and the witch was satan.

If you don't believe me then look it up and see for yourself.
Anyways I don't know how I'm going to make Sonic fanfiction similar to that but I trust that God will help me. Even if He doesn't I'll still trust Him.

I might makes ones that might not indirectly mention Jesus but even then it will still have good moral lessons that one can find in the Bible.

Oh and I'm still going to help write the " The Greek legend of Sonic the Hedgehog".

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