Kiss of Darkness

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No. This couldn't be real. What is this? What just happened? I felt the knife slip from my hand. I heard the clatter of metal as it fell to the floor. There was blood. So much blood. I lifted my hand. I was shaking, the blood had stained my hand. The next thing I knew, I was on the floor, in a puddle of blood. He stood over me, laughing. A wicked, cruel laugh. There was no way out, I knew I was coming to an end. I had to let someone know. Before my flame went out, I would burn this place down.


"Kathryn?" A voice was cutting through the fog. I snapped out of my daydream, it was the same one as always, a voice, an echo, smoke, and those eyes, those eyes that lit up like crystals but had a dangerous glint that sent shivers down my spine.  

"Kathryn?!" I fell back to reality, my math class. My friend threw an eraser at me.  

"Ow! What?!" I hissed back at Claudia. She smiled and laughed at me. We had been friends since I could remember, we were extremely close and looked similar enough to be sisters. My hair was blonde, it fell to my waist and my green eyes were flecked with blue and gold. She had brighter blonde curls that bounced when she walked. Her clear blue eyes mesmerized the people she talked to.  

"We have a lunch meeting for Latin after this!" She reminded me.  

I nodded and stared ahead at the board, covered in math problems and diagrams. My mind wandered, what was for dinner tonight? What homework do I have?  

Then the bell rang loudly, clearing my head of the fog that followed after daydreams. I got up and started packing up. I paused when I noticed the drawings on my notebook. Beautiful flowers decorated the cover. They were signed, Cale. Cale was my sort-of-boyfriend. People thought we were siblings more often than a couple but that made it easier to be around him.  

Latin meeting at lunch. Ok. I moved to the outdoor amphitheater mechanically, seeing no one there but a man walking past in a long dark coat. The coat was overkill, too dark for his outfit, maybe a beige coat would've worked better. His shirt was too small for his build, I analyzed his outfit quickly, a skill necessary to succeed in the fashion business that I strived to branch out into in the future.  

I sat down in the grass, feeling the cool earth underneath me, I could relax a little. Forget my daydream. I felt the air move as the man sit down next to me. I turned to ask if I could help him but before I could do anything, I felt him rush into me.  

His lips locked onto mine, he pushed me over, almost landing on top of me. His scent overwhelmed me, something heavy but dark, something thick and enveloping, something almost medicinal. I screamed and kicked but nothing seemed to faze him. Then I felt my strength ebbing away, I slowly lost the will to fight, I was falling asleep. Then before the blackness locked in, I heard a breathy laugh," I've finally found you, Chrysanthemum."

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