IMPORTANT: Vocabulary

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Thank you all for deciding to read my book! Before we begin, I understand that most of you do not know much about ships. Since this story is set on a ship for the majority of the book, I am going to list a few terms that will be used throughout the text:

1. Bow: the front of a vessel.

2. Hull: Body of a vessel.

3. Stern: Rear of a vessel.

4. Starboard: Right side of a vessel.

5. Port: Left side of a vessel.

6. Helm: The helm is one of the most important parts of a boat. This is how a person is able to steer the ship when moving along in the water. In most cases, the helm is a wheel that is used to control the direction of the boat.

7. Keel: The keel is a specific part of the hull. It is the main beam that runs from the front (bow) of the boat to the back (stern) and goes through the middle of the vessel. It is one of the main pieces of the structure and is often considered the foundation of a ship

8. Mooring: A mooring is a place where a vessel can be secured.

9. Rigging: Rigging can be found on a sailboat and refers to the lines (ropes) that are used to work the masts, yards, and sails. When a person is going up into the rigging, it is often referred to as "going aloft."

10. QuarterDeck: also known as the poop deck, the quarter deck is located at the stern of a vessel and is a raised portion of the deck, normally situated above the captains quarters.

11. Taffrail: The rail surrounding the deck of the ship.

That's it! You can reference this list anytime, and I hope this helped your understanding!

I know it's all a little confusing, and if you can't familiarize yourself with these parts, it won't affect your reading experience much! Trust me, I struggle with this sort of vocabulary too!

Enjoy the book!

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