And now a PSA from Deadpool brought to you by Deadpool

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Hey Wattpad! Deadpool here to tell u guys sum awesome news! My good fanboy, SuperRPGLover, asked me for some inspiration for his debut story! I felt it was my duty to help bc 1-he's a fanboy who loves RPGS; what's not to like?! 2-He wants to create something as memorable as his sister, Imafangirl21's (fandom; must run in the family😆), fanfic, Unforgivable (shameless cross promo, check) and three, well... he must really like me😳... Well let's just say I won't run out of chimichangas anytime soon.

Anyway, one of the many advantages of being me is my ability to travel between worlds which is how someone like me is typing to u now (I believe They call it breaking the 4th wall) so what better way to get some attention from people of multiple interest than to tell my adventures that span the cosmos. Ladies, gentlemen and transvestites alike, this is the beginning of (insert drum here bc can't find frickin' icon) Deadpool's Adventures Through the MULTIVERSE (and yes multiverse has to have caps for extra awesomeness). Call it a marketing scheme or a creative thought (me, I'm going with the former just saiyan) but the universes I visit will be determined by you true belib, er believers (dodged a bullet although if it did hit is just walk it out. But I digress). I WANT YOU to comment on this chapter and tell me which tales u wish 4 me 2 tell. And if I think its has the right amount of epic I just may give it my (un)official Deadpool Seal of Approval. The worlds can range from anything to tv shows, games, cartoons, anime, you name it. Until then, DEADPOOL OUT!

*this message was brought to you by the $150 I was paid by SuperRPGLover this is not a representation of his grammar: cuz mines more awesome*

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