The 3 Little Pigs (Star Trek Version)

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In Stardate 2812 there were 3 little pigs that had just finished their Federation Captains training. The three little pigs names were James, Tiberius, and Kirk were going to get a spaceship and explore the galaxy. Piggy James went to the ships bay first. He wanted a good space ship but got tired of looking and got a Romulan ship. Piggy Tiberius went to the ships bay next. Tiberius saw all the ships, he got so bored that he decided to get a Klingon Bird of Prey. The last pig was Kirk. He spent hours searching for a ship, and got the Enterprise, the best ship in the Federation fleet. One by one the little pigs went out to explore the galaxy. Piggy James was happily cruising in his Romulan Ship when he was hailed by a mysterious ship.

"This is Piggy James, Captain of the Romulan ship Dreadnaught and in the Federation. Who are you?"

"My name is Wolf Khan. And I am going to take over your ship and capture you."

"Not by the hair of my chiny chin chin."

"Then I will load, aim and fire my photon torpedo away."

So Wolf Khan did, and poor Piggy's James ship was destroyed. He managed to use an escape pod, and was found by his brother Piggy Tiberius in his Klingon Bird of Prey.

"Brother Tiberius thank you for rescuing me from Wolf Khan."

"No worries Brother James, I will keep you safe from the big bad Wolf Khan."

Not that long later Piggy Tiberius was hailed by a ship.

"This is Piggy Tiberius of the Klingon Bird of Prey Raptor, and in the Federation. Who are you?"

"My name is Wolf Khan. And I am going to take over your ship and capture you and Piggy James."

"Not by the hair of my chiny chin chin."

"Then I will load, aim and fire my photon torpedo away."

So Wolf Khan did, and poor Piggy Tiberius's ship was destroyed. Tiberius and James used an escape capsuled and was found by Piggy Kirk.

"Thank you Brother Kirk." (James)

"Yes, thank you Brother Kirk." (Tiberius)

"Your welcome. How did you both end up in an escape capsule?"

Just then the Enterprise was hailed.

"He did it." (James squealed)

'Don't answer." (Tiberius whimpered)

"Nonsense, I will answer it. This is Piggy ,Kirk Captain of the Starship Enterprise, and a member of the Federation. Are you the one who destroyed my brother's ships?"

"Yes, I am Wolf Khan and I will destroy your ship and take you and your brothers captive."

"Not by the hair of my chiny chin chin."

"Then I will load, aim and fire my photon torpedo away."

So Wolf Khan loaded, aimed and fired away, but could not destroy Captain Piggy Kirk's ship. Eventually Piggy Kirk fired back and destroyed Wolf Khan's ship. He was later found in an escape capsule, but he never again bothered Piggies James, Tiberius, and Kirk. The two lazy pigs realized their mistakes and became two of the best captains in the Federation, right after Captain Kirk.

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