Here are my interesting 20 facts about me!

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Hello over there! I was nominated by @parkerbrent to do this challenge. It's mainly about writing 20 things about me, and I should nominate/challenge 20 others. I will tag 20 random people from my followers. You are supposed to dedicate this to the one who challenged you. 

So here we go: 

One: I am a lefty:   Non of my family members is a left handed, but my grandfather is a lefty. I feel unique being a left-handed, because rarely you can find a left-handed on Earth. 

Two: I am 13 years old. I was born on October 24, 2000. I don't really remember the exact day though, but I remember the time. It was around 3:02 pm.  I will turn fourteen this October. Happy early birthday to me! 

Three: I have siblings! I have got two sisters and one brother. I am the oldest one of all. My sister is 11 years old. My other sister is 4 years old. My only brother is 8 years old. Being the oldest sister is pretty hard, but sometimes it has perks. One disadvantage is:

'My sister slaps me and runs to mum'

'I hit her in front of mum.'

Mum: Excuse me! Why did you hit her two times?

Me (innocent but mad eyes): But...she...I...This is not fair!

Mum: You are the oldest, dear. You have to respect you siblings and leave them alone.

Me: -_-

One advantage is getting usually newer things than my siblings; like phones. I get the most new phone while they get a two-past-year model phone. YAY for me! 

Let's get to the fourth one. 

Four: I am addicted to apples. If you ever dare to get something that contained apples inside it and you didn't share it with're simply dead. I could eat apples like eating chips, but more addicted. 

Five: My favourite colour... My favourite colour is red. And sometimes blue. Red makes me feel cool and blue makes me feel relaxed. In grade 6, all my clothes were literally red. I love staring at the blue sky in the morning when it's so clear. What an amazing scene!

Six: I will tell you a secret.  Come closer... yeah, closer...and CLOSER....BOOM! Just kidding. The secret is....I trust people way too fast. I feel so dumb when telling someone a REAL secret and then they just post it on facebook like it was a quote; I actually meant like they say it to everyone. You understand me, right? This is one of the most things that made me hate me. 

Seven: I think I began to trust you. Here is another secret: I like chatting more than talking face to face. Whenever I talk to someone face to face I just feel nervous, for no reason. This is stupid! And I start making um's and aah's in between my sentences, and I don't know how to answer. I hate me. 

Eight: I love acting. I adore acting. It had always been my dream to act in a famous movie, because I love acting so much. I usually act alone in my room or in the bathroom... depends. When we had a play in school, our grade got to be the chorus only. What a luck! It was my first time in acting and I didn't even get to see the audience except at the end when we bowed. -_- I still have hope though. 

Nine: I don't like chocolate nor sodas. Yup you just read it. No soda, no chocolate. I think soda is too..frizzy and chocolate is too chocolaty. No really, I don't know why I don't like them. Unlike 99.999999% of people on Earth, I barely taste any of these stuff. I am not allergic to them, I just don't find them tasty. Believe it or not, sometimes my mother forces me to eat them...why?! Because they are healthy for your health. 

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