Chapter 1: A Helpful Friend

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Mayzie has been sitting on her egg for 51 weeks. The entire jungle was eagerly awaiting for her child to be born. It was a mystery who the father was, Mayzie refused to tell anyone anything besides where it happened. Forth Worth. Mayzie has been bored and cranky and tired day after day, she wishes people were nicer to her. Mayzie had a pretty rough past, she was always full of herself and cold to others. After she laid an egg, she had a change of heart. She just wished people could look past her coldness.
    All alone, and about to be a mother. What was she going to do?
   Just then, Mayzie heard a voice from down below.
   "Hey Mayzie, how are you?" Mayzie looks down to see a friendly face. Horton the Elephant.
   "Hey Horton, uh, I've been better." Mayzie is happy to have company, but it doesn't fill the emptiness inside.
   "Aw that's too bad, if there's anything I can do to help please let me know. I know a lot if people don't like you but nobody deserves to go through this alone."
"Thank you Horton, I could really use the company, I've been feeling very lonely recently." Mayzie holds back tears, trying not to look weak.
  Horton offers a sympathetic smile, "Well I'm here for you, anything you need." Horton climbs up Mayzie's tree to take a seat next to her. "And I mean anything."
Horton's warm presence is relieving to Mayzie. She knows Horton is too good for her, but he's all she has right now.
  Horton and Mayzie talk for hours, it makes Mayzie happy how easy it is to talk to Horton. The sun starts to set and the pair realize how late it is getting.
    "So I suppose I should be leaving soon."
     Mayzie looks down, "Oh, yeah seems like it."
    "Unless, you want me to spend the night?" Horton offers.
   Mayzie's heart picks up. Is Horton really trying to spend the night with her? Mayzie doesn't want to admit how this makes her feel, but she wants a friend so bad she doesn't care. "Horton, you're welcome to sleep here tonight."
   Horton smiles. "Great, anything to make you feel better." Horton takes Mayzie's hand and smiles at her again.
   The butterflies in Mayzie's stomach soar. She doesn't have time to be in love... but how else does she describe her feelings?

End of Chapter One

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2019 ⏰

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Mayzie La Bird x Horton the Elephant Where stories live. Discover now