Chapter 1

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Hey Guys, I am gonna try and complete this story, so sorry but I didn't like my story layout on my other pieces. PS this ones kinda sad xx

Matt's POV

I woke up, startled, as my alarm indicated for me to get up for school. I looked in my wardrobe and I threw on a black jumper, my stain riddled skinny jeans and leather converse as usual. I sleepily slumped over to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and splashed my face with refreshing cold water. I grabbed my hair gel and styled my hair into a bouncy quiff as usual too.

My mum called from downstairs, "Matt your breakfast is getting soggy!"

Ugh food. One thing I could live without for a couple of days. I wasn't anorexic or bulimic, I just didn't want to eat, didn't need to. My mum always says 'you need to get some meat on your bones you're so thin!' I was so self conscious about myself that I could help it, and I've also got depression which doesn't help at all.

"Bye mum!" I shouted as I grabbed my bag and walked out the door.

I walked into school and I look around. new school, new town, new life. I am going to live my dream. Or so I thought. I looked around at my new tutor group and I saw teenagers throwing paper airplanes everywhere. I saw this boy sitting in the corner, so tucked away that no one noticed him, but I did. He had curly dark hair but I could see he was naturally blonde because of the roots that were showing through. I gently pushed through the crowds of people that were blocking my way towards the eye catching boy I could unassumingly not keep my eyes off of. I finally reached him.

"Hi," I said.

"Hi," he said shyly.

"I'm Matt."

"Um, I'm Jake."

"Hi Jake,"

"Hi Matt,"

Then the teacher walked in shouting, "Good morning Class!"

"Good Morning." some of the teens managed to mumble.

She started calling the register.


"Yes Miss."


"Yes Miss."


"Yes Miss." I said, rolling my eyes back to Jake.


"Yes Miss."


"Yes Miss."


"Yes Miss." he said quietly.

"Jake are you here?" the teacher said impatiently.

"Yes Miss!"


"Yes Miss."


"No Miss, I am here but I don't want to be!"

"DETENTION again for rude terminology!"

As the teacher went rambling on about stuff no one cared about, I turned around to talk to Jake.

"Oh Jesus, she is so bloody boring."

"Yeah I know right!" he laughed.

"Jake! Matt! Detention!"

SHIT! Again, I have had the worst week ever and its only Tuesday. First I got detention from Miss Crawley in french and now in RE with Miss Henry.

After two hours of being bored in RE murdering myself, trying not to 'accidentally' stab myself with a compass, I finally sigh and listen for the bell which hasn't gone yet even though it should have gone 1 minute ago but it's just me. I am the impatiant type. I mean its not like its urgent to get to class next lesson, its just that I've got english and I bloody love english. Yesterday I went to English for the first time and my teacher Mrs Midghall is A-MAZ-ING! Like legit. Yesterday we started our first assignment on creative writing. I love writing. I started a romance novel also and I feel it's pretty good.


I shot up out of my seat and speed walked towards the door and nearly tripped up on something I looked behind me, its Jake. I smiled faintly and mouthed, "Sorry". He smiles back. Now all I had to do its get through the next few classes, then I'm done for the day.

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