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【 Six Sakamaki brothers, the sons of a famous priest, Karlheinz, had been told to stay with a 'relative' for awhile as he works overseas. What will become of their life from now on? 】


A redhead can be seen peeking from outside the gate, a seemingly heavy vacation bag in hand. Behind him followed five other boys, although they didn't seem to care as much as the redhead.

"Oi, Shu. You sure this is the place? Seems hella creepy to me.", the redhead said. The male mentioned by the redhead, Shu, simply yawned and nodded his head. "Yeah.", was the blonde's short reply.

An albino clicked his tongue, his crimson eyes narrowing. He was growing tired with their hesistance-- Ayato's, mostly. "Can you hurry it up?! What, you want to wait until it started raining?" The albino spoke angrily, sarcasm evident in his voice.

Ayato crossed his arms arrogantly, and was about to retort before drops of rains fell. "Haa... So troublesome." said Shu, sighing. They didn't wait for any longer before knocking on the front door of the mansion.

The door creaked and a man in his 40s, a butler, appeared. "Welcome to the Komori Manor. Please, make yourself at home." the Butler said, and as they all had safely entered the mansion, he secretly locked the door and disappeared.

The brothers were too busy scanning the mansion to notice the disappearance of the butler. Well, except Subaru. He felt slightly weirded out, but of course, would never admit it. And so, he choose to keep quiet about it.

"This design... Not bad, I must say." Reiji murmured to himself, having taken a liking the interior design of the mansion, the antiques and such.

As they arrived at the living room, no one was there. They decided to wait there first, each having taken their exclusive spots on the couches. Ayato took out his Iphone, trying to connect to the Internet. Unfortunately for him, there was none. He huffed angrily. "What the heck? There's no Wifi here!" mumbled Ayato.

Not too long after, the sound of heels clicking against the ground could be heard. A young, cute, petite female in a long white dress descended down from the stairs, her curly locks neatly done. In her hands were refreshments that she had made by herself for them.  She wore a warm smile on her face as she put the refreshments on the table and sat on a vacant seat.

"You must be the guests he told me about. Welcome to my manor! I hope we can get along well from now on." she said in a sincere and friendly tone. The brothers eyed him, and Ayato was then the first one to speak. "Ugh. Why is your breasts so flat? It's like you're a Pancake." he said. Yui blinked, slightly surprised at the insult, but still wore the same smile.

"I'm sorry if my breasts doesn't appeal to your taste.", she politely said, with not a hint of sarcasm. "My, my~ It seems like we have a cute Bitch-chan to play around with from now on!" Laito said, moving closer to the female. "I'm glad you think so.", she replied. "Ah, everyone! Your rooms have already been prepared. Please have some tea and snacks before you go." Yui continued, her smile never leaving her face.

Ayato was complaining about not having wifi, still not getting over it. Shuu was asleep, as he couldn't be bothered to do anything. Laito was only flirting with Yui and Kanato was too busy eating sweets and talking to his stuffed bear. Subaru was quiet and Reiji was the only one making actual conversation.

Out of the blue, Kanato dropped a tea cup and his finger accidentally got cut on the shards. Bloods drizzled from his finger, as his tears threatened to fall from his eyes. Laito went to Kanato's side to sooth him, and was about to ask Yui for a tissue, perhaps, when they noticed something wrong with her.

Yui's eyes glowed and her fangs poked out at the sight and smell of the blood in front of her. The brothers instantly backed away, each with shocked expressions, except Shu who pretended to be asleep. "W-What the hell?!", Ayato managed to speak, confused and scared all in one.

Yui snapped out of it, flustered. "Oh my goodness! That was so rude of me! I can't help but crave blood... It is one of the faults of being a vampire." said Yui, her cheeks reddened. Embarrassed by what had happened. She had just showed an embarrassing side after only minutes of meeting her new guests!

They were all quiet, speechless, before Ayato took the lead once again. "H-Hah? You gotta be crazy... There's no such thing as vampires!" said the redhead. Yui cocked his head to the side innocently. "If that's so, then how am I standing here?", she asked. Subaru grabbed his head, having an headache. "We can't be related to a vampire..." he mumbled.

Yui heard it, and she appeared to be even more confused. "Huh? Relative? Didn't your father tell you?" she asked, genuinely this time. She then smiled understandingly when they shook their head.

"You're here because you all are sacrificial grooms. Oh, and when it comes to feedings... I tend to loose control, so I apologize in advance! I won't be able to hold back!"

To Be Continued....

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