Rasli and Danae, part 1

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Once upon a time...Niaaaah...I don't like this kind of a beginning..These kinds of starts we're making on fairy tales.But the story that I am going to tell you is real all the way...


Twice upon and three times, in a small yellow house with red windows and a huuuuuge garden,lived Danae..Α blonde little girl with blue eyes..Danae was spending endless hours sitting by her window. She was watching the stars and was making up stories. She loved stories..Especially the one that she had made up the New Year's evening..She imagined that she was a knight.With her armor, with her whit horse and her shield..But..she wasn't holding a sword. Instead of a sword she chose to carry with her a tulip..A beautiful purple tulip that she has chosen from her garden..She was about to give it to the bad stranger who she was after, so she would beat him..It seems that this tulip 'likewise with the rest 122 tulips that she has in her garden- is magic.But,how else you would name a talking tulip besides..magic?.Οh I forgot to tell you about that!Well, it's true! All 123 purple tulips that were growing in Danae's garden had the ability to talk!I am telling you the truth!Of we won;t ever hear the end of the story..You see..it never got the chance to end..Her mom was calling her telling her that the dinner is ready..Oh and Danae was so hungry!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2014 ⏰

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