Time to Level Up (Invader Zim)

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Hi guys! So first story Heh Hope its good enough for you enjoy Hehe~

Dib sat in his Algebra 2 class. It had been four years since Zim had left. Dib'd life because boring after that. Zim had left after he found out his mission was not real, that it was just some scam to get him out of there. He said something about going to Foodcortia, but Dib had no idea what that was suppose to mean.  He leaned back in his chair, heavily sighing. 

"And today Class we have a new student." The teacher said snapping Dib back into focus. He looked up and saw the kid standing in front of the class, his eyes when slightly wide under his glasses. His black hair was the same along with the blue contacts. His face took more stern, and of course he looked older. He stood up straight taller then he use, but still shorter then Dib. 


Zim turned around. "I will not disappoint you this time my Tallest." He did the Irkan salute and got into his ship, Time for a six month fly, to planet earth. Zim looked around his ship after putting it into auto pilot and getting out of his seat. The sound of a squeak filled his ship. He looked down, it was a small squeaky moose, he picked it up looking at it questionably. 

What could this possibly be doing on my ship? He asked himself thinking, wondering how a squeak-earth toy got on his ship. Wait isn't this.... Gir's. He froze for a second remembering the small robot he had left on earth. He wondered if it survived?  He slowly dropped the moose into a trash near by. Taking a deep breath he sat back down. No time to think about that, I have to start planning Earths doom. He smirked abit. Like old times, I wonder how the di- What was he thinking. He didn't have time for this, he didn't go though treacherous training just to act like he did before, this time he really was going to end All of the human's life's, taking the rocky planet for Irk. 

The ship landed the same spot it did the first time, the holes where his tubes once where to take is neighbor's power were now patched up, but this time he wouldn't need it. He made his how, he couldn't help but make it look the same as he did before when he opened the door memories flushed through his head of so many years previous. 

He was surprised when he saw his old disuse laying on the floor. He picked it up. They all bought it last time, why waste time on making a new one. He thought putting it on when the sun began to rise. He entered a building walking to the office. 

"Hello I am Mrs.Daisy What can I do you for." she spoke kindly smiling at Zim. Stupid human.

Zim tightly gripped her head and let a small bug looking thing crawl into her ear, he then acted like nothing happened and answered the question as she furiously typed at the computer. "Yes, My name is Zim, I should be starting here today." He spoke coldly.

She nodded lifelessly and gave him a schedule. "Its 4th period so go to that class." she said before going back to the computer. 

Zim walked away down the  hall and found himself in Mr.Miller's Class. Algebra 2. He Knocked on the door and the very tall teacher cam to the door. "Hello, who are you?" He eyed him skeptically. 

"I am Zim your new student." Zim held up his schedule, showing proof that he was suppose to be in this class. The teacher nodded and took him into the classroom.

"And today Class we have a new student." The teacher spoke. 

Zim's eyes traveled around the class room looking at all the god awful faces of High Schoolers. Then his eyes came focused on the last Row the first seat by the window. His hair was shaped like a death sieth. he had larg round glasses upon his face covering his golden brown eyes, witch were slightly widened. Zim's eyes met with Dibs for only moments before looking away, scowling. Great now I have a class with the dib-Stink again.He thought taking his seat and letting the math Teacher's voice drain away in the gutter's of his brain. Soon the bell ran and Zim stood up, heading for the lunchroom of this place.

He sat down and pulled out a 'home lunch' that he had brought. Soon there was a human sitting across from him. The human had to clear his throat several times before Zim looked up from his lunch. The stared at each other for a while saying nothing, two foes who hadn't seen each other in 4 year.

"What do you want Dib-stink?" Zim's voice had a growl like tone to it, he sounded miniical and evil instead of insane like the first time that he had been on earth. He took a bite out of what looked like a candy bar.

Dib was silent, he was astonished, Zim had came back, after he left, giving up all those years ago. "Zim what are you doing here?" He asked pushing his glasses up.

"I have no time to tell a Petty human monkey like you my plans, that would take far too much time and time is of the essence." His talking had surely matured. "I am only here at this Hi Skool to observe you foolish human babies so I can know the worst way to end this pitiful world of yours."

Dib leaned back alittle. "Zim did you for get why you left in the first place?" Dib perched an eyebrow. "Because you gave up on that, are you really back on this?" He gave Zim the 'seriously' look.  

Zim stood up. "I'll have you know I got back to Irk and when through 4 years of training, and not normal invader Traiining, I never was aloud out, every day at the crack of dawn until every night, I only got 4 hours to sleep, and msot nights I didnt even get two. I am prepared to take this fitly rock over and you cant do anything about it." Zim began to walk away.

Dib watched him walk away surprised. He couldn't let Zim take over not after he succeeded in stopping him last time. "Wait Zim!" Dib called out. He spoke quickly as Zim only briefly stopped. "I have your Robot." He said.

Gir? Why has dib had him, if he did anything to that robot I'll kill him.  Zim thought angrily. He turned  around picking Dib up by the collar of his shirt. "Give me Gir." He snarled out. By now there was a crowd around them chanting at them to fight. The  bell ran and Zim put Dib  down. Why am I so emotional about Gir. he thought growling at Dib before going to the next class.


After School Dib walked up to Zim. "If you want your stupid robot come on." he said draping his backpack over his shoulder. He stated to walk home, not really caring if Zim was following him or not. When he arrived at his house he put his back pack bye the door and yelled. "Gir come here." as he sat on his couch.

"I DONT WAAAANNNNA!" sounded from up stairs. Zim's eyes slightly widened at the sound of Gir's voice, he haddn't heard a squeal like that since 4 years ago.

"I have a surprise for you." Dib said smirking slightly.

"Is it a taco?"


"Better then a Taco!!!!!" Gir was at the sairs with in seconds. He stopped as soon as He saw Zim. "UUUHhh MARY I think I'm seeing thing's again, Master is in the living room." He said slowly moving down the stairs.

"No Gir, thats really Zim." Dib said and pulled out his phone letting the two reunite. 

Gir ran quickly hugging onto Zim's leg. "Oh Master you came back!!!" he was in tears. 

Im sorry Gir. I would take you it I had another chance. I never wanted to leave you. That ran though his head but instead he just picked up the small robot and hugged it. He was glad Dib wasn't looking. He left before saying another word. 

Hi guys yeah terrible nwn'

And short i know but they will gett better and longer.

This was kinda  just  prologue

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